Does the country connect express net to conduct course of study of express of entire network shutdow

Huang Yifan of reporter of economic observation network on March 28, the internal document that a gregarious media circulates shows, the country connected ministry of express human affairs to allotted the announcement that a shutdown has a holiday on March 22, say since 2018 the company manages difficulty, be in severe loss condition, had been in shutdown condition at present, and to return to normal production is managed did hard, but predict to be in prospective company to will still be in shutdown condition for a long time. Official seal shows for round limited company of finite aggregate of express of Shanghai red building.

To this, the country connects express official net to publish official statement to say, of the individual employee that involves in the report have a holiday announcement, it is the country connects express interior to be based on the human affairs of new-style business to adjust strategy actually, passivity of and rather than closes stop talk falsely.

The country connects express to admit in official statement, "Since last year, truly 23 lines express quited this trade, existent also step forward mostly dimension difficult, the brutal situation that facing a likelihood to be shuffled by industry and market likewise " , because this country connects express to be in,began to put forward since second half of the year 2018 " this transition " , with advocate battalion express business is chassis changeless, extend area to deserve to send energetically wait for new business " .

In small express company or will have difficulty walking

As we have learned, be like express company occurrence problem, common practice is a country postal management board or place are postal the management board stability for the market, can call together company of a few big express to be able to be digested express, maintain the client's interest.

"3 are amounted to before including the item that arrange abundant, will look smoother, small instead company is more difficult now, because express industry capital is need very enough, need throws sorting of center of have a change of luck, automation. Cannot say of suitable before abundant city also appeared on the market. " an express industry appears on the market company personage tells a reporter, "Because competition is intense,be, just want to throw so, it is labor all the time so concentrated model, staff searchs very hard, company of a lot of express is in now on the equipment of line automation sorting, reduce labor cost. Big now express company basically should handle a day of order of 20 million. Big now express company basically should handle a day of order of 20 million..

Chinese content sheds Yang Daqing of researcher of institutional engage by special arrangement to tell a reporter, express estate development is current level, system of this kind of company perfects suitable abundant to need not join zoology of A Li Jingdong to encircle quite, can go like. But to most enterprise, in at present electric business the time that says money serves as without platform of industrial modes of life and relation to their environment rely on, perhaps do not have core competition ability, this kind of company can go more difficult more, because space of whole market gain cuts thinner more.

Yang Daqing thinks, whole modes of life and relation to their environment won't instantly disappear lose, find the ground of new base oneself upon in platform of industrial modes of life and relation to their environment likely. The understand department, department in A, Beijing east because the department opens order of platform control supply of goods, can give other company so. In the meantime, medium and small businesses upgrades without great financial resources content shedding ability and facilities will promote a service the experience. The open platform such as similar understand department can drive medium and small businesses through output.

"Look conversely, small express company did not blend in platform namely in, also did not form core competition ability, also mean can be isolated in this number age, competition ability also is met weaker and weaker. " Yang Daqing expresses, some enterprises do what understand fastens to join in business can come down alive, or resembles ripely, medium a platform of bird of devoted and whole course inside OK also. "A few in small express, for instance the country is connected is not not to do electric business, but the stickiness on whole is not very strong, did not call oneself core competition ability again. Did not call oneself core competition ability again..

Express market development differs person

2012, red building group receives dish of capital catenary to rupture deep-set close down the Ai Si of Shanghai rare Yi of the crisis express limited company (abbreviation CCES) , hind more the name is " the country knows express delivery " .

When those, zhu Baoliang of president of group of red when taking over CCES building ever complacent, "Since today, CCES express resumes operation, red building group assumes CCES express all debt. " when accepting media to interview, zhu Baoliang is confident to this express company, in future 3 to 5 years inside, red building group will invest capital to CCES express 2 billion yuan, if be done well, still will advance CCES to appear on the market.

Nevertheless, after red building takes over 5 years, the country knows express delivery for a time the hearsay defaults freight to be surrounded to block hearsay of Beijing company gate up.

"Zhu Baoliang comes in at that time still is possible, because express industry still is growing, had not resembled competing today so intense. Nevertheless, the pattern of industry of that moment express was decided already basically, and Zhu Baoliang just was entered advocate, the country is connected also be in queasy period, but the development of express industry is to differ of the person. Wait after he is smooth, the market that the country opens had been lost slowly. The market that the country opens had been lost slowly..

Afore-mentioned express industries appear on the market company personage expresses, the problem that the country understands depends on doing not have clear fixed position, "It mixes 3 to amount to competition to snatch the order that clean out treasure had been not grabbed actually, the first because network position is not wide,be, investment of the 2nd science and technology does not have an advantage, the 3rd when beginning dig a person blindly. Just began staff of company of a lot of express to jump to the country to know express delivery, salary breaks up commonly time dig a person, but the time that need is done not have particularly long. But the time that need is done not have particularly long..

Introduce according to government-owned net, the country connects express entire network to count a person from personnel of course of study, baidu shows for 50000 people, countrywide each district sets cent to move a center many 40, circuitry of operation of trunk regular bus many 500, car of entire network operation is counted.

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