The fruit cannot eat in disorder during be pregnant edible of these 5 kinds of fruity has exquisite!

In pregnancy be cannot eat fruity in disorder, the vitamin that although be contained in a large number of fruits,body place needs and nutriment, but a few fruits need escape. Become especially fetal and fast when growing, to avoid to affect fetal growth, because notice edible of of all kinds fruity. So, what fruity edible should pregnant woman notice during be pregnant?

During be pregnant, these 5 kinds of fruits need edible attention!

The fruit cannot eat in disorder during be pregnant edible of these 5 kinds of fruity has exquisite!

1, green Chinese flowering quince

Green, crudely papaya has prostate element and expedite child delivery element is enzymatic, systole of OK and revulsive uterus and convulsion, bring about possibly be pregnant earlier abortion. The meeting in some dish adds green Chinese flowering quince, it is clear that when having a meal outside so, the composition of dish and burden want to ask. And mature Chinese flowering quince can eat, also contain among them fetal grow all sorts of needs vitamins.

The fruit cannot eat in disorder during be pregnant edible of these 5 kinds of fruity has exquisite!

2, pineapple

Pineapple contains pineapple protein enzymatic, can bate cervix, bring about uterine systole, bleed even. Pineapple of inchoate and many edible is opposite pregnant fetal and harmful, consequently pineapple albumen enzymatic replenishers is measured is a very big question, because this female is in pregnant is inchoate and best it is to avoid edible pineapple completely.

The fruit cannot eat in disorder during be pregnant edible of these 5 kinds of fruity has exquisite!

3, banana

Usually, during be pregnant, edible banana is safe, but the pregnant woman that has allergy, and suffer from diabetic or gravid diabetic pregnant woman, the proposal does not eat banana. Banana contains chitin enzymatic, this is substance of form of a kind of emulsion, it is a kind of foregone allergen, so the pregnant woman of enzymatic to chitin allergy should be far from banana. In addition, banana contains many sugar, because this also suggests,the diabetic does not want edible they.

The fruit cannot eat in disorder during be pregnant edible of these 5 kinds of fruity has exquisite!

4, iced watermelon

Watermelon gets of people love, be in especially the summer, eat 9 iced watermelon again appropriate nevertheless. But if be between bosom pregnancy, pregnant woman had better not eat iced watermelon, the watermelon that ate iced can bring about palace probably to shrink the problem appears. Accordingly, pregnancy wants to eat watermelon, the most delicious and fresh and squashy, but also should notice cannot excessive.

The fruit cannot eat in disorder during be pregnant edible of these 5 kinds of fruity has exquisite!

5, grape

Edible grape advantage is great during be pregnant, enhance power of immunity of pregnant woman body for example, bring the profit such as the embryo, the grape calcium that the grape contains, iron, vitamin, amino acid beneficial to human body also. But what need an attention during be pregnant is, pregnant woman eats a grape to want to notice that he cannot drink water immediately, drink milk, also should notice edible at the same time cannot excessive, cause the symptom such as vomiting, diarrhoea easily otherwise, serious when can affect fetal.

Altogether, any alimental take food to need " do according to one's abilities " , the fruit also is such, reasonable eat ability to produce the value with original food quite. Additional, many people like to eat edible aloe, but edible aloe avoids with respect to this in pregnancy, and avoid as far as possible contact the Lu Hui of any forms, include fruit juice, gel and cordial, because have,pose abortive risk. Although the contraindication of pregnancy is more, but the health for darling, much attention a few always be worthiness!

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