As educational reform, chinese is holding more and more significant position, the key knowledge of this kind of foundation also meets term of the word in the Chinese exam henceforth certainly the strength that adds final examination examine. Be written correctly so and pronunciation, can help our better study Chinese not only, also can help us take higher mark in the exam at the same time, get better result.
Literacy know how to read is the main task of pupil, but because the pupil integral understanding to the thing is insufficient still, add attention to be centered not quite, be in so literacy know how to read when classics regular meeting is promiscuous, because a few reasons are brought about,often also meet lose cent.
Chinese is fallible pronunciation, although cent cost is low, a lot of people feel this is a negligible problem, so a lot of students are doing this to inscribe or finish sth cursorily when remembering fallible word word, but, chinese serves as a subject that studies surely, children are in when taking an exam to a few fallible words also take an examination of surely, if a these knowledge are done not have in elementary school,full control grip originallies, went up junior high school or high school when can be in this respect somewhat error.
So, it is 100 when everybody shares to be arranged by the People's Daily easy misprint designedly today, parent friend can help the child be being collected first, perhaps print come out, timely help child corrects an error.