" green skin book " our calm faces church oneself darkness

The film " green skin book " , uncover American scar.

American the colour bar, once very serious, so that the black drives, need to take " book of black driver green skin " . " green skin book " this film, react namely of this paragraph of history. Green skin book tells you to hotel allows black accommodation, what restaurant to allow a black to have a meal, do not take it you can not move a step.

" green skin book " our calm faces church oneself darkness

That is to go up century 60 time, don Xieli should go to black pianist southern show, his service white man holds the Buddhist nun in the palm to do his driver. Seeing Xie Li is a black, his behavior is very elegant, very rich also, but with respect to the color of skin because of him, be discriminated against everywhere; And white man Tony is very coarse, talking mouth takes dirty word, have a thing spurt makes sound, litter conveniently chaos is thrown, writing a letter is wrongly written or mispronounced characters completely, but because he is a white man, where to walk along to be glanced high.

Go southward more, jump over discrimination to the black. This awaits American current situation in those days namely.

Trio group performance of Don Xieli got the welcome of each district, but after the show, xie Li still is one " black ghost " . Xie Li and Tony cannot live in same home hotel, because the black can live only,appoint hotel; Xie Li cannot be in the toilet go to the toilet of the white man, the other side asks he is solved in grove; Xie Li takes a fancy to a suit, cannot try the dress in store of white man clothing however; In heavy rain, the black should get off the challenge that accepts a police; Be in show ground, the black is not allowed to have a meal in white man dining-room, thank interest indignation and cancelled a show.

" green skin book " our calm faces church oneself darkness

Look reach, treat the colour bar, xie Li is already enduring a lot of years, he keeps creditable as far as possible, do not produce direct conflict with the other side, but he changes others in the act that uses his the impression to the black.

Piano attainment of Xie Li is top-ranking, this bit of a lot of white men be not a patch on; Xie Li still helps Tony write a letter, let a love letter that sealed running water Zhang to turn language meaning into lingering; Xie Li helps the drop that ask the priestess not sincere letter, coarse defect, whether to pay in stone of a color moral character relative superiority or inferiority can see on this one detail, not be decision of color of skin really.

American civilian is fortunately simple still and abound of sense of justice. Tony ever also discriminated against a black, there is a black to maintain labour to had used two glass in the home, he is thrown into rubbish basket immediately; And when be being bullied by the white man in Xie Li, tony with respect to come out boldly, get back justice for Xie Li. Although here face has the factor that the economic benefit that does not yield his is damaged, but undeniable, in the process that travels together all the way with Xie Li, tony also is in little ground to be changed.

" green skin book " our calm faces church oneself darkness

When returning new York, on belt thanking benefit one bottle of red wine reached Home Tony, tony's madam thanks benefit to force greatly hug. Because Xie Li helps Tony,draw up beautiful letter in reply.

Xie Li lives in new York card to be able to bear or endure of foundamental tone happy hall above, his dwelling place is very luxurious, employ is worn the white man serves as lackey. All these that he does, in new York people already can be accepted calmly; And in south, the black of farmland sees white man of service thanking benefit work, still can cast the eye that be surprised.

Change to always be made from this bits. Change to always begin from big city again.

On August 28, 1963, gold of · of heart of road of fourth · of horse of cacique of famous civil rights leads 250 thousand person to be in Washington assembly, published " I have a dream " famous speech:

"With respect to some kind of meaning character, we are to ask to cash today promise and the assemble comes to the capital of our country. The founder of our republic drafts when the expressions of the full of power and grandeur of constitution and the Declaration of Independence, ever made to each American left a promise, their acceptance everybody- - no matter white man or black- - enjoy cannot of demise live to authority, freedom counterpoises and seek happy power.

Talk with respect to coloured citizen, the United States did not fulfil her promise apparently. The United States did not fulfil this divine obligation, just opened a piece of lip service to the black, check upper cover is worn " capital is insufficient " retreated after seal. But the bank that we do not believe justice has gone broke, we do not believe, already did not have enough reserve in this library of the opportunity with tremendous country. Because we ask this today,cash check -- this piece of check will give us precious freedom and just safeguard. Because we ask this today,cash check -- this piece of check will give us precious freedom and just safeguard..

" green skin book " our calm faces church oneself darkness

Through this one step by step drive, of afro-american live the state got huge is improved, arrived even today, formed " politics is correct " language of one conventional phrases. Because, discrimination begins from the language above all, next perforative go up in the action.

This " green skin book " , the United States that disclose once scar. Go up from this bit look, american is very candid, they do not evade themselves once deformed, it is evil one side even, their calm faces everything in the past.

The nation that any grows, had made a mistake possibly, have a few side that oneself do not wish to mention; But, evading is unwise. The calm faces a mistake, admit one's mistake, open historical a knot in one's heart, ability walks out of the tomorrow with historical shadow, new open up.

Plan plan has said south Africa archbishop: "WithoutCondonableDo not have future. " he serves as once victim, offerred such condonable way: Say the thing namely come out, face up to inner feeling, give condonable, rebuild or put down this paragraph of relation. Wise men had made model to us, what reason do we still have to cannot be done weller?

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