The country pings male double be completely annihilated! World champion combines Korea of 0-3 be def

Beijing time on March 29, the world pinged couplet Qatar surpasses the contention that enters final of male double 1/4 publicly 2019, china combines Ma Long / Lin Gaoyuan is opposite a the first combination of rank world Zheng Rong Zhi / Li Shangzhu. The country pings world champion combines Ma Long / Lin Gaoyuan resists 3 bureaus promote without the predestined relationship only, male double be completely annihilated. The country pings male Shuang Guanjun of the male double contention that do not have a predestined relationship.

The country pings male double be completely annihilated!

Chinese team expedites two pairs of combination to take part in the match, liang Jing / Wang Chuqin 1-3 combines Sen Yuan politics to esteem by Japan / big island Dai changeover, remain Ma Long only / Lin Gaoyuan. Korea assembles long-term pair, rank male double world at present the first. The male single is first-run 2-4 of Zheng Rong Zhi not of enemy bridge pacify, li Shangzhu unexpectedly 0-4 was defeated by Czech player Xilusaike. They can give more energy on doubles only.

Beginning match, ma Long / Lin Gaoyuan obtains 3-1 to leave bureau, subsequently Korea combination cooperates very tacit, call climax of a 7-0. Korea combination hits more suitable more, score comes to 9-4. Ma Long strikes back backhand recover 1 minute, lin Gaoyuan forehand breaks off big diagonal to chase after 1 minute again. Lin Gaoyuan loses 2 minutes again and again, korea combination forestalls his opponent by a show of strength with 11-7.

The country pings male double be completely annihilated!

Yi Bian again battle, ma Long / Lin Gaoyuan leaves bureau lag behind with 5-2, below adverse circumstance, they adjust ability tactics, come through be being chased after with adversary refuse to budge 6 smooth. Lin Gaoyuan hits a good shot to also cry, encourage for Chinese team. Zheng Rong Zhi joins backhand very fast, score is deeply anxious rise. Ma Long / when Lin Gaoyuan precedes with 8-7, korea combination must get the better of one city 4 minutes again with 11-8 repeatedly.

The country pings male double be completely annihilated!

Match of the 3rd bureau, lin Gaoyuan / Ma Long leaves the bureau is pretty good still, subsequently nevertheless their forehand pulls a ball to come on stage often. Ma Long / Lin Gaoyuan all is singles is fought alone, condition is absent again line, 4-6 is backward call halt. Ma Long / Lin Gaoyuan is chased after to 7-8, korea combination makes suspend having the effect. Equestrian dragon forehand is pulled lose, korea combination wins a ball with 11-8, ministry of Chinese male complete in both respects goes out bureau.

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