Always city man holds a knife to enter school chop kill a student to send 2 dead 2 injuries, the sus

Always city man holds a knife to enter school chop kill a student to send 2 dead 2 injuries, the suspect already was caught

Much at 7 o'clock in the morning on April 3, always the city is peaceful far happening that hold a knife to chop student incident together, send 2 people death, 2 people to get hurt. Department of propaganda of peaceful far county Party committee passes Ningyuan of " of official small letter to release " to report incident relevant circumstance.

Always city man holds a knife to enter school chop kill a student to send 2 dead 2 injuries, the suspect already was caught

The bulletin says, 3 days morning 7 when 16 minutes, bai Jiaping of peaceful far county presses down complete elementary school to happen to hold a knife to chop student incident together, send 2 people death, 2 people to get hurt. Get hurt the student already was in a hospital cure, insensate danger.

Guilty suspect Zheng Mou army (male, 31 years old, bai Jiaping of peaceful far county presses down a person) already was seized by public security mechanism, incident investigation and deal with problems arising from an accident deal with the job is undertaking in order.

Business of origin │ Chengdu signs up for

Edit │ Xiao Ya

Editor-in-charge │ Tu Li

Be in charge of │ Yi Xin

Read and edit │ Liu Mingjun

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Always city man holds a knife to enter school chop kill a student to send 2 dead 2 injuries, the suspect already was caught

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Always city man holds a knife to enter school chop kill a student to send 2 dead 2 injuries, the suspect already was caught
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