Because be suspected of embezzling, temeier of the president before Brazil is sued formally

According to Reuter report, michelle of the president before Brazil? Temeier just is sued formally on April 2 with embezzling a blame by check, federal judge accepted pair of Temeier, Temeier the energy minister Hui Ling of period of be in power Du Folangge, with etc the corruption of 6 trusted followers is mixed the accusation that wash money.

Because be suspected of embezzling, temeier of the president before Brazil is sued formally

Michelle of the president before Brazil? Temeier

Square investigation involves check on 80 time begin the century construction, current have not finishing Angola project of project of 3 nuclear power plant. Check just expresses in a statement, temeier is suspected of receiving bribery, let project of favour case Wei Kesi seek advice from a company to win the bid 3 nuclear power plant build Angela project.

A senior officer of company of favour case Wei Kesi just provides testimony to check, admit Xiang Temei is the enterprise of Er trusted follower, responsible 2014 the financial group of project of project of 3 nuclear power plant paid Angola more than 300 thousand dollar. He calls be Ying Temei Er the requirement bribery of friend Lima captain, and the one part that Argeplan of company of Lima captain under one's name is bribery financial group.

Because be suspected of embezzling, temeier of the president before Brazil is sued formally

Temeier still is in another corrupt investigation face accusation, check just says he uses bagman to be obtained from JBS SA company " the suitcase of replete cash " . 2017, temeier's assistant is patted by monitoring from a dining-room of holy Paul runs, he is carrying to contain at that time 500 thousand Leiyaer (add up to 130 thousand dollar about) the suitcase of cash, inquisitor says this is the bribery of JBS SA boss. JBS SA company is the whole world the biggest flesh kind produce business control a partner.

Brazilian check still just shows in the information of exposure, temeier's gang is set " turn over information " branch organization, monitor technically and strangle potential investigation and lawsuit " symptom " , even with check of fake document misdirect square.

Because be suspected of embezzling, temeier of the president before Brazil is sued formally

Temeier held the position of Brazilian president in August 2016, left off his post this year in January. On March 21, temeier and other trusted follower are arrested together, get-off of 4 Queen of heaven. They are denied have misfeasance. This case is the corrupt scandal with Brazilian the largest scale " the action that wash a car " the one part of investigation, since 2014, right " the action that wash a car " the investigation of scandal already sent businessmen of tens of renown South America and put in prison of political circles personage.

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