The boy's father did chelonian of a Brazil to the child, he went out in abrupt discovery crock that day have a black line, and the mantis that father catchs to the tortoise gives dead! Mantis died, but grasshopper is living still well, the boy is curious very, until see that black line, he call a grandfather, be about to stretch one's hand go scooping up! Unexpectedly by the grandfather one is pushed! This is not what black line at all, the grandfather says this is " iron wireworm " , enlarge looks, make a person horrible indeed, this thing is so fierce and cruel before! The iron wireworm that the boy's grandfather sees meticulous slightness is long is in water the appearance of twist, but see without saw with one's own eyes how iron wireworm is gotten out inside the body from mantis all the time! When father catchs them, these two pictures are taken, the picture listens only beautiful, consequence is very serious, iron wireworm hides mantis body inside, the harm of iron wireworm indeed very big, warmth reminds: Wanted to notice! | | | 23