Before paragraph time CCTV news announces discharge publicly to star data makes a holiday. Occupy as one concrete number simian, we are grasping the small gain that curiosity dot opened Cai Xukun of ambassador of figure of He Sui of NBA the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day, the small gain transmit that discovers him is measured besides newest besides, of other basic every are transmit 1 million + .
In our impression, transmit 1 million + can be certain star drug taking of Guan Xuan marriage, certain perhaps star is off the rails be exploded to wait can let small gain server go straight towards the discharge that;burst;ulcerate;fester. Is Cai Xukun true so fire? His 1 million + whether does false discharge exist after all in transmit? How many does false discharge place occupy specific gravity to have?
To solve this problem, we carry random capture through small gain shift Cai Xukun is newest a small gain " adieu, "Capricious " 1 million... " data of 100 thousand transmit (time node on March 11, 2019 10 when) . This short video that tells puppy of care of Xu Kun appealing to Cai is small rich, on March 9, 2019 01:23 release, to March 10, 2019 18:00 when already by transmit 1 million + .
The pertinent information that the dimension of data spends the person that include transmit (amount of the nickname, sexual distinction, person that pay close attention to and amount of the person that be paid close attention to) and the comment when transmit.
One, whether is small gain transmit of Cai Xukun put in false discharge?Before solving this problem, we are interested more to scale of sexual distinction of vermicelli made from bean starch actually. Normally for should place of his female vermicelli made from bean starch holds proportion should bigger, but our statistic in 102313 transmit data, having 93618 is transmit of male vermicelli made from bean starch, only 8695 are transmit of female vermicelli made from bean starch.
This is incorrect, do more schoolboys like Cai Xukun? And this scale also too great disparity a bit? We are random and then draw-out the data of schoolboy transmit, the male vermicelli made from bean starch that discovers these transmit basically is attention 0, vermicelli made from bean starch the user of 1.
We figure reasonably: These discharge are so called false discharge.
How many does the proportion that that false discharge place holds have? In data of this 100 thousand transmit of random capture, how many is having false discharge?
2, how many does the proportion that place of discharge of true and false holds have each?Explore an analysis through, of the person that we send transmit data change trains pay close attention to or number of vermicelli made from bean starch is little at be equal to 5, after doing not have brief introduction, transmit, be counted to comment on number by dot assist again transmit number is 0, the data that grade of small gain member is 0 class, and transmit person pay close attention to or number of vermicelli made from bean starch is more than be equal to 5 but the nickname is long " user XXXXXXXX " such data is draw-out come out.
This share data, it is the false discharge that we say.
Visible, in 102313 transmit data, having 95397 is by transmit of false vermicelli made from bean starch, 93.24% what occupied total transmit, only 6916 are by transmit of true vermicelli made from bean starch, occupy 6.76% . The proportion that false before discharge holds is so high!
So in the data of transmit of 6919 true vermicelli made from bean starch, eliminate repeats transmit to brush the amount of a list of names posted up, how many true vermicelli made from bean starch to share to be in inside transmit? We have this share data going weighing according to ID of small gain of vermicelli made from bean starch. The face has 3926 true vermicelli made from bean starch to be in only here transmit, that is to say, the amount of vermicelli made from bean starch of true transmit, 3.84% what take total transmit amount.
According to this scale, can push cipher out in the transmit of 1 million, the number of vermicelli made from bean starch of true transmit is thirty-eight thousand four hundred, the vermicelli made from bean starch that shows Cai Xukun group be being returned with consequence is very big, but far what show without small gain is completely 1 million + transmit amount is so large.
You may say: The small gain of ourselves, at ordinary times also a few false vermicelli made from bean starch are in transmit ah. To undertake contrast, we return capture active recently in " singer " scenic Uncle Wu Qingfeng (vermicelli made from bean starch is counted 13.77 million) data of transmit of a newest small gain 10006 (time node on March 11, 2019 10 when) .
We these data according to catch up with the measure like the face extracts transmit of vermicelli made from bean starch of true and false to measure, discover only very few proportional false vermicelli made from bean starch is measured, the majority is transmit of true vermicelli made from bean starch.
And, in data of transmit of 9658 true vermicelli made from bean starch, quantity of true vermicelli made from bean starch also is as high as 9318, explain nonexistent vermicelli made from bean starch makes the case of a list of names posted up. The data phase with Cai Xukun is compared, can discover differ apparently.
In the false transmit quantity that is as high as 93.24% , how are these false vermicelli made from bean starch to produce come out? Behavior feature is there? We had user picture to false vermicelli made from bean starch first.
In seeing 95397 false transmit, have 40838 false vermicelli made from bean starch. Among them male scale is as high as 95.42% !
The comment that we carry the place in transmit has count, vermicelli made from bean starch seeing a holiday is in transmit when like what to say, discovered a few more interesting things however.
Very much false vermicelli made from bean starch goes user of transmit small gain " elder sister of size of shade of south bank end " and " super- exceed those who exceed Cai Cai exceeding love to think of think of " small gain (everybody must not atttack them to breath out) , we searched these two people, the quantity of vermicelli made from bean starch that discovers them has 89 people only, those who reprint is small gain of Cai Xukun completely, and a lot of small gain again transmit quantity is 0, the small gain that has a few however again transmit quantity has been as high as thousands of!
This, estimation is the vermicelli made from bean starch that he spends money to buy discharge for God.
Additional, we discover pink of a lot of false discharge is in transmit when like to carry English to comment on. Searched discovery, these English are commented on, or is English libretto, or it is actor's lines of beautiful theatrical work, or it is Taigeer or the line of Nie Lu Da.
In the Top10 transmit device that uses in false vermicelli made from bean starch, android resides head of a list of names posted up high, this also proved these vermicelli made from bean starch are false vermicelli made from bean starch again.
Still have a few interesting discovery additionally: The average attention of false vermicelli made from bean starch is 3.44, number of average vermicelli made from bean starch is 1.04, without brief introduction, the nickname basically is " Chinese + English and number " this format, the nickname of very much false vermicelli made from bean starch is contained " female " , " Cai " , " certain herbaceous plants with big flowers " , " Kun " wait for a word, head portrait is Cai Xukun (the specification is custom-built pink more very ah) .
Will see the sexual scale of true vermicelli made from bean starch first. In seeing 3926 true vermicelli made from bean starch, the schoolgirl held the majority, this ability is the scale of vermicelli made from bean starch that accords with logic.
Can see in the comment that carries in place of these transmit of vermicelli made from bean starch, it is to support Cai Xukun to take # of a list of names posted up of # star influence more very or # of a list of names posted up of # Oriental wind and cloud the first and of transmit.
The transmit device that place of true vermicelli made from bean starch uses, all sorts of equipment distributing evener, the most welcome is IPhone client end.
The average attention quantity of true vermicelli made from bean starch is 222, number of average vermicelli made from bean starch is 179, same, like to contain in name of a lot of vermicelli made from bean starch " female " , " Cai " , " certain herbaceous plants with big flowers " , " Kun " wait for a word.
We the brief introduction make it true vermicelli made from bean starch word cloud atlas.
Visible, true vermicelli made from bean starch people the name that brief introduction likes to take Cai Xukun, like Cai Xukun very much, want all the time he steps down for company. Look at inside " teenager " , " hard " , " free " " pursue a dream " wait for a word, discover this is the youth before us.
The comment make it that still takes transmit place additionally word cloud atlas.
Visible, vermicelli made from bean starch people very care " a list of names posted up of wind and cloud " this thing, and want help Cai Xu Kun take the first. There is good morning to play card inside, have super topic, still have a lot of " happy " , " than the heart " , " warm " wait for a word. Explain majority true pink is very warm still.
5, summaryIf oneself broker company is bought if, this disturbed whole recreation encircles the market really run, to recreation circle and even whole social conduct are bad. If faithful vermicelli made from bean starch is bought, alfred feels, data is a data only, this among them capital, can pass the side with other better side to add consequence to his God. The # that I see transmit of the closest Cai Xukun takes off # of action of starlight of battle of deficient assault fortified positions this topic is very good ah, carry oneself force, go doing more the thing of energy.