Go up drop a scale and on card index performance nots agree with badly, the risk is being raided pro

Go up drop a scale and on card index performance nots agree with badly, the risk is being raided probably!

3 big point to exalted now concussion, draw near end dish the look forward to after the index dives quickly is firm pick up; Afternoon fuel cell panel piece rise abruptly get go up two city; Civil aviaton concept the concussion after leaving high now goes weak; Electrode of phosphine of titanium white pink, careless pleasant, black lead rise in price board piece take turns switch goes strong continuously; But market heat is relatively dispersive, overall profitable effect is general; On whole, drop to go up more little, aggravate of much emptier bilateral difference, market become divided is relatively serious.

Dish on the face

Afternoon fuel cell panel piece for a time get warm again after a cold spell, blast of the sources of energy of United States bright and beautiful board time; Suffer rise in price effect is stimulative, careless pleasant phosphine board piece go up two days greatly continuously, harden of brightness abundant share, country share; Civil aviaton board piece open quotation performance is brisk now go weak continuously subsequently, only Oriental aviation harden; Breed go strong afternoon, jin Xinnong, new 5 abundant, state science and technology is sealed successfully board; 0643 board piece greet board piece differentiation, vasting dispatch of Gao Qiao, Shanghai is walked out of outside even board prices, shanghai faces special grade of Lai of harbor, Shanghai many unilateral goes weak; Suffer Jiangsu peaceful begins effect of message of explosion of another chemical plant yesterday, dye board piece somewhat get warm again after a cold spell, harden of industry of course of study of world Long Shi, Hai Xiang drug, zhejiang dragon fills concussion to walk along rising even more 6% .

Now midday dish many people have stopover.

Get off reason:

Concussion is increased, polarization is serious, the risk is increased, early dish low an ascendant space is limited!

Individual view:

Go up next week card index goes situation: Low the concussion after leaving, blue chip begin a callback.

What need an attention additionally is, index of the card on today rose many, go up drop scale nots agree with badly, the risk is being raided probably!

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