Australia prevents network force to travel through the strictest legislation, company of science and

Reporter | Liu Fang

20 days ago, a man that comes from Australia goes up in facial book direct seeding be as long as 17 minutes he bilks Siteche in New Zealand gram the large-scale pop of strange city. In his home town, moses people be irritated thoroughly by this group diameter apparently. Local time on April 4, australian congress is passed " share great and violent content " penal code amendment (Criminal Code Amendment (sharing Of Abhorrent Violent Material) Bill 2019) , prohibit network service provider shows great and violent picture. Fail to delete the tycoon of science and technology of violent content to will be sued by criminal accordingly instantly.

According to " Sydney pioneer morning paper " report, this legislation that Australia passes today takes the lead in in the whole world will " fail to prevent great and violent content " online on transmission includes criminal law the category.

Australia prevents network force to travel through the strictest legislation, company of science and technology: Disaster reachs the likelihood innocent

Baud of Australian attorney general (Christian Porter) express, the person that strange horrible assault carries out Kelaisiteche carries living broadcast large-scale pop incident exposes those who gave facial book presence " astonishing " blemish, be necessary rapid legislation.

He earths up in can pull pair of reporters to express: Gregarious network " should not broadcast killing camera lens " , won't broadcast like commercial TV station same, but " some platform, be like YouTube, Twitter and facial book, did not handle this oneself responsibility seriously it seems that. " Fafeierde of Australian communication minister (Mitch Fifield) also expressed same opinion on the press conference.

In this bill that by Morison the government offers, great and violent content is to be suspected of the picture of terroristic behavior, attempted murder, cruel torture, rape or kidnap by the definition.

If the network serves a provider " inside the reasonable time after realizing great and violent content exists " fail to report to Australian federal police station, or fail " ensure delete content quickly " , will be in with year global turnover the amerce of 10% .

Australia prevents network force to travel through the strictest legislation, company of science and technology: Disaster reachs the likelihood innocent

Amendment returns a regulation, right " offer a network to serve " and the individual that fails to delete great and violent content immediately, highest can be in be imprisoned with 3 years or 2.1 million bay yuan amerce, or both punish. Although " Washington Post " wait for numerous media this law unscramble be in charge of high for gregarious media people have in Australia face the risk that is sued by criminal, but Australian opposition the Labour Party thinks, these punishment are not applicable in applying actually. Because resemble facial book and Twitter,tycoon of such science and technology depends on company substance, is not the individual will offer a network to serve.

In the meantime, the press related to public interest does not belong to amendment suitable scope, but these content must be offerred by professional reporter.

Quantify to be being done not have in amendment " reasonable " or " rapid " wait for a regulation, baud of Australian attorney general expresses, this will be decided by jury. But he also thinks at the same time: "Every Australia person can agree, let (great and violent content) put in a hour of above on the website and taking any actions is completely unreasonable " .

Can be imagined, the legislation of this Yan Ke caused a mighty uproar in bound of science and technology. Book of delegate cereal song, face, Twitter, Yamaxun and Australia Weiruisen media (Verizon Media) the guild in Australian interest " digital industry group " the warning says, this act is obtained without significant negotiation through, company of science and technology is punished the content that founds because of the user.

Rich of this association executive inspector general this (Sunita Bose) express, the tycoon of science and technology of their representing already " as soon as possible " delete violent content, but " as every second a large number of content upload Internet, this is a very complex issue " . She still says: "This kind adopts the legislative way that changes again after legislation first, the industry of science and technology that gives Australia brought direct uncertainty. The industry of science and technology that gives Australia brought direct uncertainty..

The associated author of Atlassian of business of software of one of companies of science and technology with the biggest Australia, business law boast Er (Scott Farquhar) express on Twitter, the government is making a disorder, minatory obtain employment, "Since today, any people that work in the company that allows an user to upload video or image may by coop jail. Any people that work in the company that allows an user to upload video or image may by coop jail..

Australia prevents network force to travel through the strictest legislation, company of science and technology: Disaster reachs the likelihood innocent

To the executive effect of act, australian home also has different voice. Sydney university politics and international relation institute a man of virtual and ability in school student blueness expresses to interfacial news: "Live in exotic an alien land, the origin of safe feeling depends on governmental legislation not just, more is social environment. The legislation that transmits in the network in the light of force is good beginning admittedly, but more important is change mainstream society the bias to a few group. But more important is change mainstream society the bias to a few group..

The shadow attorney general of opposition the Labour Party Deleifusi (Mark Dreyfus) also express in a statement, " share great and violent content " blemish of existence of criminal law amendment. He says: "The Labour Party is right of this act draft whether to have very big concern curtly, we also fear this act cannot achieve expectant goal. We also fear this act cannot achieve expectant goal..

But this legislation that premier Morison offers to him apparently feels proud. He expresses in the statement March 30: "This should be not concerned merely (rely on consciousness) do correct business. The government will force gregarious media to take action, and with execute the law to cooperate with information orgnaization, the technique that eliminates them may be right the menace that the safety of Australian person constitutes. The technique that eliminates them may be right the menace that the safety of Australian person constitutes..

" Washington Post " the analysis says, " share great and violent content " any penalty that the castigatory measure that provides in amendment is considering at present than United States Congress want severity much. But the pressure that comes from Australia and European country, the likelihood forces the United States to whether need to superintending online content respect to develop bigger effect to spread out more extensive discussion with respect to the government.

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