Trojan " evil Chinese " 5 years 226 million contract meets with refus! NBA name writes down ridicu

If if put advanced a few years, NBA player can take a contract of 100 million to calculate day value, red seeing tall and division send wages of how many money than awaiting ability in those days! | | | See present NBA stars again, it is the big contract of two 100 million dollars at every turn, this can'ts help making fan interrogative: Present NBA a year of turn how many money? If if put advanced a few years, NBA player can take a contract of 100 million to calculate day value, red seeing tall and division send wages of how many money than awaiting ability in those days! | | | See present NBA stars again, it is the big contract of two 100 million dollars at every turn, this can'ts help making fan interrogative: Present NBA a year of turn how many money? Can earn how many money to reckon everybody says not to come out as to NBA a specific figure, but running water Zhang of the family is not certain less than the apple! | | | Team of Trojan of city of gold of NBA total champion undertakes winning parading it may be said is be inside global limits now conflagration, so that of home shake sound and quick worker to be brushed quickly screen, it seems is returned in the fan of the spot true many. Can earn how many money to reckon everybody says not to come out as to NBA a specific figure, but running water Zhang of the family is not certain less than the apple! | | | Team of Trojan of city of gold of NBA total champion undertakes winning parading it may be said is be inside global limits now conflagration, so that of home shake sound and quick worker to be brushed quickly screen, it seems is returned in the fan of the spot true many. After processional end, the reporter explodes makings Trojan general the requirement that Glyn raised to want raises to renew the contract after contest, 5 years case forest can accept the contract of 226 million, but can be Trojan management layer accepted? Can be Du Lan accepted especially? | | | This should fold synthesis yearly salary is fast 50 million, a year of ability in the library how many money? After processional end, the reporter explodes makings Trojan general the requirement that Glyn raised to want raises to renew the contract after contest, 5 years case forest can accept the contract of 226 million, but can be Trojan management layer accepted? Can be Du Lan accepted especially? | | | This should fold synthesis yearly salary is fast 50 million, a year of ability in the library how many money? Fan is commenting in succession: If this lets had fallen the Du Lan with old firewood knows so that have oversensitive sick at heart especially, I should come 10 years 10 100 million ah! | | | Very fast, this message by Trojan advocate handsome Cole was denied, he thinks Glyn won't be so obtrusive, trojan can have handled this issue. Fan is commenting in succession: If this lets had fallen the Du Lan with old firewood knows so that have oversensitive sick at heart especially, I should come 10 years 10 100 million ah! | | | Very fast, this message by Trojan advocate handsome Cole was denied, he thinks Glyn won't be so obtrusive, trojan can have handled this issue. Harden, power in little, library, the person such as Davis is the contract that obtaining NBA to carry firewood on the head, trojan where still has a space to sign the next to carry firewood on the head again, think Du Lan can fall all one's life especially really does firewood join in golden city Trojan ah? | | | Apparent, everybody thinks much! Harden, power in little, library, the person such as Davis is the contract that obtaining NBA to carry firewood on the head, trojan where still has a space to sign the next to carry firewood on the head again, think Du Lan can fall all one's life especially really does firewood join in golden city Trojan ah? | | | Apparent, everybody thinks much! In the library 5 years 2.1 100 million, glyn 5 years 2.26 100 million, thompson does not get 5 years 2.3 100 million, is Du Lan special 5 years 5 100 million not exaggerative? | | | Think Trojan is of a bank really? | | | To this, how do you look? In the library 5 years 2.1 100 million, glyn 5 years 2.26 100 million, thompson does not get 5 years 2.3 100 million, is Du Lan special 5 years 5 100 million not exaggerative? | | | Think Trojan is of a bank really? | | | To this, how do you look?
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