Late on August 16, 2018, hangzhou occurrence bedding face accumulates black clouds to press the picture of the city. As " Wenbiya " arrival, the harships of Hangzhou also greatens gradually, predict shade has heavy rain to arrive by day 17 days rainstorm. The picture signs: Short for Zhejiang Province signs up for medium (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "As " Wenbiya " arrival, the harships of Hangzhou also greatens gradually, predict shade has heavy rain to arrive by day 17 days rainstorm. The picture signs: Short for Zhejiang Province signs up for medium (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Hangzhou occurrence bedding face accumulates black clouds to press the picture of the city, copy is like the motion picture is big. The picture signs: Short for Zhejiang Province signs up for medium - Oriental IC (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Below the sky of a dense mass of, urban lights brights one piece. The picture signs: Short for Zhejiang Province signs up for medium (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "