Chinese delegacy enters, tomato fries egg times terminative; China Taipei mission is official more the name is Chinese TaipeiZhao of Chinese delegacy flagman is handsome, cheer a handsome young man! The pillar of national natant group, cheer big poplar! Asian flying person, chinese speed, cheer add elder brother! World volleyball the first person, cheer graceful elder sister! The country pings young general plays the leading role alone, cheer east elder brother! New old collocation, let medal change a color, cheer strange dragon combination! Champion of backstroke of previous term or session, cheer big barren girl! Flower of the most beautiful sister swims goddess, cheer 1Asia Game of previous term or session be reduced to poverty of collective of 3 big balls, this the women's volleyball should win come back, cheer a women's volleyball! Inferior carry head appears, return in triumph, cheer Chinese report contest! Our China good athlete should cheer 462 gold, strive for surmount last 151.