Be in Japanese Kobe city east beach area, have an artificial isle. The 4S store that is put in to sell interest of farad of car of super a person of extraordinary powers technically is avoided on this island, the model of this inn is very much, so value namely very hyperbole. It is good after the typhoon arrives to had been done inside this inn look be like complete preparation, no matter be,board is set in the entrance, still wait measure a moment to had made preparation with accumulation of a few sandbag. But they are apparent good to the violent neither one of this typhoon beforehand appraise, bring about these safeguard to be able to 't bear biff namely simply, furled tidewater swarmed into inn wildly inside, car of a person of extraordinary powers appears in this moment very can't bear biff. The water level inside inn is top at that time can achieve 1 meter many deep, very low to chassis farad is the disaster of one hundred percent for benefit. At that time the altogether inside inn 53 cars, have a plenty of new car, also having a few is two hand car. These cars are swept across by the typhoon entirely almost, have two escape by the skin of one's teeth finally only, 51 all of the others are overwhelmed by water. These cars have a few is a car advocate had made money but did not leave, so to inn-keeper the loss is very tremendous. The word of not complete count, the loss that this tidewater causes exceeded the yen of a few, this also is number of a special bloodcurdling. The controller to this inn very but, the loss that he shows this compared with beforehand of appraise more serious. Typhoon " flying swallow " sweeping across is not small disaster really to Japan, so far, least already 11 people die, still hundreds of people get hurt. Copyright statement: If involve copyright issue, ask an author to hold authority to belong to the proof contacts with this net (article origin: Oriental head)