" Lu Han is the same as Wu Yifan desk " really long-unseen with casing! New hair style of Wu Yifan

[Lu Han is the same as Wu Yifan desk] [Wu Yifan modelling] tonight, gentleman of every of @Mr_ of Wu Yifan of  of the member before EXO and M of deer of @M of  Lu Han sit on a table together not only, two people sit closely still together to talk cheerfully and humourously! Really long-unseen with casing! Long-unseen sensation [look forward to] is new hair style of Wu Yifan also very handsome does Der[lick screen] ? [Lu Han is the same as Wu Yifan desk] [Wu Yifan modelling] tonight, gentleman of every of @Mr_ of Wu Yifan of  of the member before EXO and M of deer of @M of  Lu Han sit on a table together not only, two people sit closely still together to talk cheerfully and humourously! Really long-unseen with casing! Long-unseen sensation [look forward to] is new hair style of Wu Yifan also very handsome does Der[lick screen] ?
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