No matter south is northward, noodle regards table as the cate that go up, that is most the commonnest staple food. Everywhere of various noodle shop sees ave lane, of life rhythm accelerate, snack times like a rising wind and scudding clouds, but the cate that noodle counts chiliad this remains leading role, can satisfy the carbohydrate that you need, taste sob part of speech, save time, beautiful mouth and stomach. | | | To taking a side, does China have 10 big noodle do you know? Small today make up take everybody to see characteristic noodle what have (play a side besides common Lanzhou) . | | | This is the Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce of Chinese Sichuan. Chengdu is fastfood. Noodle is fine thin, thick gravy is crisp sweet, xian Xianwei is hot, aroma is tangy, very tasty. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This is Wuhan heat dry face. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Face of old Beijing fried bean sauce. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Hangzhou piece plain face. Winter bamboo shoots and flesh, potherb mustard is crucial. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Henan braise face. Face of ovine soup braise is a special skill then, shang Xian is delicious, cole is big. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This face is in Zhejiang all and very famous gas. Second a depressed place makes a range, estimation is done not have more very much had eaten. This also is manual face, the stuff inside is very enough, shang Nong (lardy) delicious, the aspect is very strong path (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The cold face of Jilin. Noodle bright slips, soup acidity is sweet, big summer eats on one bowl, that is to comparative satisfy a craving. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Biangbiang face. A kind of cooked wheaten food that area of Shaanxi the central Shaanxi plain circulates, be similar to have a side, but should compare normally pull bizygomatic breadth to go out a lot of, its characteristic is do not add Shang Shui, mix to work completely, deserve to go up hot pepper, shredded meat and dish, wide get Shaanxi lot of people love. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Shanxi knife cuts an area, bright is slippery need not say. Deserve to go up carbonado and bean curd, it is to match absolutely. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Want to say to take beef side, still must go Hubei assist is in relief. Do not see not very became famous, the beef face here can be one of 10 big noodle, has had person raises a hand! See this beef piece (the price also moderate) , beautiful. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)