Be tragic! Spanish football spreads a sad news of the death again, before Spaish advocate Shuai Yinx

World sports signs up for a report, before Spaish door will, the Beinituo that Ceng Zhi has taught team - make an appointment with internal cause to affect new coronal virus to die, die at the age of is 85 years old.

Be tragic! Spanish football spreads a sad news of the death again, before Spaish advocate Shuai Yinxin coronal is pneumonic die

Beinituo is born in on September 15, 1935, before a few months put oneself in another's position of apoplectic the back of a person is weak, and aggravate of new coronal virus his illness, final a respectful form of address for an old person was not maintained.

Bei Ni holds door of office of player times department in the palm will, go out at Spaish club, after retiring, he ever was in brief 1989 teach Spaish, also Ceng Zhi has instructed Maluoka, Teneili the group such as cost, Salamanka, Lasipaermasi.

Be tragic! Spanish football spreads a sad news of the death again, before Spaish advocate Shuai Yinxin coronal is pneumonic die

New coronal is pneumonic epidemic situation worsens in the round in Spain, on March 21, government of royal Madrid club announces, lorenzo of team former chairman - because Sang Si affects new coronal virus to enter hospital ICU, fail finally escape from a danger, die at the age of is 76 years old.

Be tragic! Spanish football spreads a sad news of the death again, before Spaish advocate Shuai Yinxin coronal is pneumonic die

Current, armour league matches covers with tiles the group such as Lun Xiya, Alaweisi, Spaish, Laijianeisi all appears on the west new coronal is pneumonic epidemic situation case of illness. Current, diagnose of Spanish country accumulative total 28572 people, dead case of illness reachs 1720 people, epidemic situation situation is grim, life safety of people is browbeaten badly. Hope Spain overshoots at an early date difficulty, conquer epidemic situation!

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