In disappear assist incident of frost of bacterium talking about curb is big baby: Exposed again "

[in disappear assist incident of frost of bacterium talking about curb is big baby: Exposed again " disappear " name product chaos is resembled] the near future, about " much effect of beneficial Fu spirit protects curb bacterium frost especially " bring about " big head baby " the wide attention that incident caused a society. 5 days, in disappear assist release consumptive caution to say, this one incident was exposed again " disappear " the random elephant problem of name product. In recent years, concerned darling frost kind the product breaks the law add hormone problem to have repeatedly happen. A few operator are used to popularize and sell its product " cure " " ointment " " the hospital is the same as a paragraph " wait for model of written characters, and these " disappear " the name of name product is mostly " such-and-such frost " " such-and-such cream " , letting consumer mistake very easily be is " medicines and chemical reagents " come choose and buy and use. In disappear assist appeal what sell on platform electric business platform is right " disappear " conduct propaganda of name product advertisement undertakes clearing thoroughly.

In disappear assist incident of frost of bacterium talking about curb is big baby: Exposed again " disappear " name product chaos is resembled

Origin: Chinese news network

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