Flavoring, vegetable,
Oily, egg, flesh kind, cake
The thing that our everybody is having every day
Be exposed to the sun to give a product again unqualified! ! !
On April 3, 4 days,
Henan saves the market to supervise management board to be released continuously,
Food safety supervises sampling observation news
〔 2019 the 28th, 29 〕 two announce.
Reported the unqualified provision of 102 batch this in all!
In list of this rejected product,
Small make up see Zhou Kou has a list of names posted up on 5 batch.
Let us see the specific list of rejected product!
(website cut pursues)
The near future, supervisory management board of Henan province market organizes sampling observation edible oil, grease and its goods, dressing, dairy produce, beverage, wine kind, produce of food of food of roasted seeds and nuts and nut goods, starch and amylaceous goods, cake, meal, edible 10 kinds of big food 1365 batch, sample of qualification of sampling inspection project 1317 batch, unqualified sample 48 batch. Examine the particular case such as the project sees accessory. Particular case announcement is as follows:
What branch of village of Gou of limited company of supermarket of new cooperation of city of 1. the first month sells is nominal Lu of Sichuan Lu city plain the 1 batch alcohol that brewery produces is sweet the wine in old cellar cup, wine precision check gives a value to be 42.4%vol, standard regulation is 49 ~ 51.0%vol. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of crane wall city detect center.
The bud of 1 batch soya bean that sale of supermarket of benefit of a hunderd schools involves south county of 2. Yan hill, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.0333mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency wins the bid for Henan detect service limited company.
City of 3. aid source east the 1 batch sturgeon that inn of seafood of grand of spring of the street austral the city sells (fresh water fish is live) , favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 624 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
City of 4. aid source builds the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that limited company of shopping square of course of study sells, check of oxygen happy fruit gives a value to be 0.067mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
City of 5. aid source builds the 1 batch celery that limited company of shopping square of course of study sells, check of tick of kill with poison gives a value to be 0.15mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.05mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
What 81 branches of finite liability company sell 10 thousand heart swell trade of 6. Nanyang city is nominal the noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch of 1 batch yam that limited company of food of belief of the county austral you produces, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 279mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 200mg/kg. Check orgnaization is Henan first wide report is metric detect limited company, reinspect an orgnaization to save courtyard of product quality supervision and inspection for Henan.
City of 7. aid source east the egg of 1 batch earth that supermarket of non-staple food of city shellfish gold sells, favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 4.1 μ G/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency saves courtyard of product quality supervision and inspection for Henan.
8. China water and electricity the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that inn of lukewarm pond of limited company of trade of 3 gorge millennium sells 11 bureaus, ester of chloric cyanogen chrysanthemum and efficient check of ester of chloric cyanogen chrysanthemum gives a value to be 1.22mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 1mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch spinach that limited company of beautiful trade of grand of city of 9. Luo river sells, check of tick of kill with poison gives a value to be 0.17mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.1mg/kg. Inspection agency surveys limited company of science and technology for Henan appropriate.
The 1 batch that limited company of beautiful trade of grand of city of 10. Luo river sells is new bud of big new soya bean, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.0710mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
What limited company of business of garden of rich of gold of in relief county of 11. the Huaihe River sells is nominal Luoyang charm forest the noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch of 1 batch potato that food limited company produces (potato wet noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch) , aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 608mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 200mg/kg. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of business grave city detect center.
The 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that in relief inn of Sui of limited company of Le Yi trade of city of 12. business grave sells, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 0.70mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch deep-fried dough cake that Wang Ming of area of garden of bridge of city of 13. business grave sells to house of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 1180mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg.
The 1 batch celery that branch of road of Liaoning of Luoyang of limited company of supermarket of life of Home Hua Runmo sells 14. Henan, check of tick of kill with poison gives a value to be 0.066mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.05mg/kg. Inspection agency surveys limited company of science and technology for Henan appropriate.
What shopping square of rich Xin of 15. Jia county sells is nominal the alcohol of wine of 1 batch cut that Inc. of line of business of Anhui cut wine produces, sweet element (with annulus personal radical amino sulphur is acerbity plan) check gives a value to be 0.000411g/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of crane wall city detect center. Via investigation of basic level bureau, this product is suspected of sham.
Week of area of garden of bridge of city of 16. business grave writes down the 1 batch deep-fried dough cake that inn of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water sells, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 460mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg.
The 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that branch of road of prosperous of article of source of aid of city Henan limited company sells 17. Yong Huichao, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 0.39mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
Limited company of Henan of 18. Yong Huichao city unseals the 1 batch sweet Qin that branch of square of 10 thousand rich sells, ke Baiwei check gives a value to be 0.20mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch celery that Tang He branch of finite liability company sells 10 thousand heart swell trade of 19. Nanyang city, check of tick of kill with poison gives a value to be 0.092mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.05mg/kg. Inspection agency surveys limited company of science and technology for Henan appropriate.
20. always the city is luxuriant what shopping centers sells harbor is nominal the noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch of 1 batch potato that limited company of food of Qiu Fujiu Cheng produces business, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 244mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 200mg/kg. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of business grave city detect center.
The 1 batch that 21. Henan province makes rich branch of square of life of town of hill of limited company of grand times general merchandise is sold grows fabaceous horn, destroy fly amine check gives a value to be 0.71mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.5mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
Ma of Qiuxin of business of group of 22. big trade shops especially the 1 batch egg that Liang Yuan branch of square limited company sells, favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 625 μ G/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency wins the bid for Henan detect service limited company.
The 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that branch of the Temple of Heaven of source of aid of vivid square limited company sells Ni Sisheng of 23. Zhengzhou red, check of oxygen happy fruit gives a value to be 0.54mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The sturgeon of 1 batch China that limited company of trade of couplet of beautiful home of other people of city of 24. Luo river sells (fresh water fish is live) , favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 929 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
The meat of head of pig of 1 batch bittern that house of flesh of wine of gigantic Gang of area of red flag of city of 25. new rural area sells, nitrite (with inferior sodium nitrate plan) check gives a value to be 31mg/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of city of new rural area.
City of 26. aid source east the fish of 1 batch crucian carp that inn of seafood of grand of spring of the street austral the city sells (fresh water fish is live) , check of peacock a green pigment made of malachite gives a value to be 2.7 μ G/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
27. Zhengzhou the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that company of moisture of aid of source of aid of general merchandise limited company sells Dennis, check of oxygen happy fruit gives a value to be 2.27mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The fish of 1 batch crucian carp that inn of road of Ru He of limited company of couplet China supermarket sells 28. Henan century (fresh water fish is live) , check of peacock a green pigment made of malachite gives a value to be 2.26 μ G/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
The 1 batch sturgeon that the first branch sells limited company of beautiful general merchandise of 29. Shang Qiujia, favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 350 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg. Inspection agency wins the bid for Henan detect service limited company.
City of 30. aid source builds the 1 batch bean sprouts that limited company of shopping square of course of study sells, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.195mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
What inn of flourishing age of the Milky way of limited company of trade of basket of gold of 31. mesa city sells is nominal the 1 batch that limited company of food of Heibei paddy sweet village entrusts limited company of food of Heibei double flourish to produce is not had add Ma of sucrose Sha Qi, benzoic acid and its natrium salt (with benzoic acid plan) check gives a value to be 0.0301g/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
The 1 batch that company of industrial and finite liability sells one peak grows 32. Zhou Kou fabaceous horn, check of phosphor of water amine sulfur gives a value to be 0.63mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.05mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch deep-fried twisted dough sticks that snack bar of Ou Yangzhao eaves sells garden of bridge of city of 33. business grave, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 183mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
Triumphant heart business uses 34. new rural area the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that limited company sells buy line of business, check of oxygen happy fruit gives a value to be 1.12mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
Pear forest of city of 35. aid source presses down pear forest ave piece the 1 batch spinach that Li Dong sells, check of tick of kill with poison gives a value to be 0.96mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.1mg/kg. Inspection agency surveys limited company of science and technology for Henan appropriate.
The beef of 1 batch bittern that noodle shop of Ou Minghai of 36. suitable river sells, rouge red check gives a value to be 0.0012g/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
What Luoyang of limited company of Henan of 37. Yong Huichao city opens yuan of highway branch to sell is nominal the 1 batch that limited company produces farming herd puts birds of Henan another name for Guangdong Province on the ice bright chicken complete leg, chloromycetin check gives a value to be 5.83 μ G/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
New Ma of 38. Luo river shops especially the 1 batch spinach that square limited company sells, check of fluorine bug nitrile gives a value to be 0.21mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
Qi of city of 39. crane wall bank the area founds a state the hoof of 1 batch sheep that wholesale shop sells meat of flocks and herds (unripe) , check gives Kelunteluo the value is 21.3 μ G/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency wins the bid for Henan detect service limited company.
The 1 batch deep-fried twisted dough sticks that snack bar of double happiness of area of garden of bridge of city of 40. business grave sells, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 550mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
What the 5th branch sells limited company of trade of An Jihua couplet of city of 41. business grave is nominal general of emperor of city of new rural area the 1 batch that limited company produces 100 course of study plain pink of chaffy dish of hutch of 9 art fine, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 465mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 200mg/kg. Inspection agency is Henan wide report is metric detect limited company. Via investigation of basic level bureau, this product is suspected of sham.
42. Zhengzhou city Dennis Nanyang of general merchandise limited company is new China the part of beans of 1 batch of subaltern that the branch sells, check of phosphor of water amine sulfur gives a value to be 0.13mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.05mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch deep-fried dough cake that ugly snack bar of horse of area of garden of bridge of city of 43. business grave sells, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 357mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
The bud of 1 batch soya bean that the area just outside a city gate of county of 44. Pu Yang presses down Pushang to exceed life supermarket to sell, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.544mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency wins the bid for Henan detect service limited company.
Area of 45. article peak facilitates everyday what star inn sells is nominal the earthnut of 1 batch much flavour that limited company of food of Changsha smell taste produces, acid value (with adipose plan) check gives a value to be 4.3mg/g, standard regulation is do not be more than 3mg/g. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
Swallow of winter of sanded north of 46. Yan the city zone exceeds the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that city sells, check of oxygen happy fruit gives a value to be 0.10mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
In relief county of 47. the Huaihe River sincere what health trade limited company sells is nominal new the vermicelli made from bean starch of root of 1 batch brake that feral food processing factory produces Ou Guangfa, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 709mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 200mg/kg. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of business grave city detect center.
What hundred of 48. Henan gold collects commercial management limited company to sell is nominal the flavour of 1 batch black candy that limited company of food of Heibei paddy sweet village entrusts limited company of food of Heibei double flourish to produce Sha Qi Ma, benzoic acid and its natrium salt (with benzoic acid plan) check gives a value to be 0.0487g/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
(website cut pursues)
The near future, supervisory management board of Henan province market organizes sampling observation commissariat treatment is tasted, edible oil, grease and its goods, starch and amylaceous goods, cocoa and bake products of produce of products of product of the coffee that bake, quick frozen food, dressing, fruit, dairy produce, cake, edible, meat, meal is fed, sample of qualification of sampling inspection project 1645 batch, unqualified sample 54 batch. Examine the particular case such as the project sees accessory. Particular case announcement is as follows:
One, rejected product circumstance
1. unseals what limited company of embellish peaceful business sells is nominal limited company of food of Shanghai tall husband (Chinese total distribute) the 1 batch of distribute is much more beautiful fresh vegetable butter, cross oxidation to be worth (with adipose plan) check gives a value to be 0.32g/100g, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.13g/100g. Inspection agency to unseal city food medicines and chemical reagents examines.
Urban and rural unifinication of city of 2. business grave sets an example aquatic product of terminal market of area agriculture products one area east the 1 batch ricefield eel that 6 Ma Jun sell, favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 156 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg. Inspection agency saves courtyard of product quality supervision and inspection for Henan.
The 1 batch snakeheaded fish that ministry of sale of broad aquatic product of demonstrative area Zhao sells urban and rural unifinication of city of 3. business grave, check of peacock a green pigment made of malachite gives a value to be 2.5 μ G/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency saves courtyard of product quality supervision and inspection for Henan.
4. mesa city is installing trade limited company to installing life square what one inn sells is nominal city of state of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty protects the 1 batch noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that increases production of 3 pink factory, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 270mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 200mg/kg. Inspection agency is Henan wide report is metric detect limited company. Via investigation of basic level bureau, this product is suspected of sham.
Ao Sifan of city of 5. long arrowroot shops the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that square sells, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 1.27mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The leg of 1 batch fried chicken that inn of crisp chicken duck sells He Lixiang of Zhao of area of 6. Wei Dong, nitrite (with inferior sodium nitrate plan) check gives a value to be 65mg/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. Inspection agency is Henan wide report is metric detect limited company.
The head of 1 batch oily steamed bun that house of boiling water of home of free town king sells county of 7. Xi Hua, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 148mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of week mouth city.
College of medicine of 8. new rural area the deep-fried twisted dough sticks of 1 batch blast that strong and pervasive fragrance of 3 complete institutes provides dinner for center dining-room is sold, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 1030mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
The face of sheep of 1 batch bittern that elementary school of the 3rd experiment sells county of 9. Luan Chuan, nitrite (with inferior sodium nitrate plan) check gives a value to be 18mg/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
The 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that square of city limited company times sells fat Dong Laichao of city of 10. Xu Chang, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 0.82mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
11. Henan what branch of violet cloud of Xuchang of general merchandise limited company sells Dennis is nominal Chongqing drive feeds fast food limited company to entrust Chongqing city Na Chuan district sweet Xiaoma spends the 1 batch green that limited company of food of Chen Jiwang blessing produces, cross oxidation to be worth (with adipose plan) check gives a value to be 0.40g/100g, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.25g/100g. How does check orgnaization need for Henan Nuo detects first technical limited company, reinspect an orgnaization to save courtyard of product quality supervision and inspection for Henan.
12. unseals the bud of 1 batch gram that inn of life of limited company of city halo trade sells, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.0658mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch that limited company of beautiful trade of grand of city of 13. Luo river sells does not have bud of gram of social effects of pollution, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.0941mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
14. Zhengzhou the 1 batch sturgeon that branch of Qiu Xinjian of business of general merchandise limited company sells Dennis, favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 2144 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg. Inspection agency wins the bid for Henan detect service limited company.
Actor of China couplet of city of 15. An Yang tastes a supermarket to interlink limited company developing zone what inn sells is nominal wheat abundant food (China) the 1 batch that limited company produces is pure cake (raw ingredient) , check of bacterium colony gross gives a value to be 11000000CFU/g, 25000000CFU/g, 3400000CFU/g, 2000000CFU/g, 370000CFU/g, standard regulation does not exceed 100000CFU/g as a result to examine 5 times and examine at least 3 times not to exceed 10000CFU/g as a result. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
Happy county home and quantity peddle the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that garden inn sells south 16. , much bacterium quick check gives a value to be 13.1mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 2mg/kg; Check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 1.12mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
Well of government office of 17. Luoyang king the 1 batch celery that finite liability company sells shopping center, check of tick of kill with poison gives a value to be 0.070mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.05mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
18. always the city is luxuriant what shopping centers sells harbor is nominal the noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch of 1 batch pure yam that limited company of Long Xu food of city of Henan business grave produces, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 269mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 200mg/kg. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of business grave city detect center.
The 1 batch Xi Qin that branch of source of aid of pieces of 19. Henan is big industrial limited company sells, ester of chrysanthemum of chloric fluorine cyanogen and efficient check of ester of chrysanthemum of chloric fluorine cyanogen gives a value to be 1.95mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.5mg/kg. Inspection agency surveys limited company of science and technology for Henan appropriate.
Luoyang of pieces of 20. Henan is big industrial limited company is long explain what inn sells is nominal limited company of industry of Beijing Su Dao food entrusts Beijing to sea the 1 batch tuckahoe that limited company of thick heart food produces places cake (grape flavour) , benzoic acid and its natrium salt (with benzoic acid plan) check gives a value to be 0.0407g/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. How does check orgnaization need for Henan Nuo detects first technical limited company, reinspect an orgnaization to be supervised for safety of national provision quality examine center.
Swallow of winter of sanded north of 21. Yan the city zone exceeds the 1 batch spinach that city sells, check of tick of kill with poison gives a value to be 4.48mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.1mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
22. Zhengzhou Dennis general merchandise limited company goes into the street the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that the branch sells, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 4.93mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch that city of 23. aid source builds limited company of shopping square of course of study to sell is small stupid gram bud, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.0233mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch deep-fried twisted dough sticks that limited company of meal of full building of the Kingdom of Wei of 24. Xu Chang sells, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 886mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
Source of city of 25. Luo river collects area university means east room of appearance of Duan Lu north the 1 batch of 10 thousand Wei Hua sales is oily steamed bun head, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 528mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
Group of 26. big trade (new rural area) the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that limited company of shopping square of big business general merchandise sells, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 1.96mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg, ester of chrysanthemum of chloric fluorine cyanogen and efficient check of ester of chrysanthemum of chloric fluorine cyanogen gives a value to be 1.12mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.5mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch carp that branch of road of prosperous of article of source of aid of city Henan limited company sells 27. Yong Huichao (fresh water fish is live) , favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 673 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
Group of 28. big trade (new rural area) the bud of 1 batch soya bean that limited company of shopping square of big business general merchandise sells, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.207mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch deep-fried twisted dough sticks that snack bar of lake of day of new developed area of county of 29. collect hill sells, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 632mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
The 1 batch weever that branch of division of company of finite liability company sells 10 thousand heart swell trade of 30. Nanyang city (unripe) , sulphur amine (gross) check gives a value to be 1180 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg; Favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 965 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg. Inspection agency wins the bid for Henan detect service limited company.
The 1 batch sweet Qin that branch of source of aid of pieces of 31. Henan is big industrial limited company sells, check of fluorine bug nitrile gives a value to be 0.071mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency surveys limited company of science and technology for Henan appropriate.
Beef of Laolu of county of 32. collect hill pulls the 1 batch deep-fried twisted dough sticks that noodle shop sells, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 506mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
The 1 batch deep-fried twisted dough sticks that hall of Western-style food of institute of technology of profession of 33. Luo river sells, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 1160mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
The 1 batch leek that limited company of Henan of 34. Yong Huichao city grows branch of Ge Changshe road to sell, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 3.91mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch that inn of crisp chicken duck sells He Lixiang of Zhao of area of 35. Wei Dong is sweet crisp duck, nitrite (with inferior sodium nitrate plan) check gives a value to be 28mg/kg, standard regulation is used to be not gotten. Inspection agency is Henan wide report is metric detect limited company.
The 1 batch small deep-fried twisted dough sticks that 36. Henan manage is versed in dining-room of university institution of higher learning is sold, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 596mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
37. Henan the 1 batch spinach that branch of river of distant of river of Luo of general merchandise limited company sells Dennis, check of fluorine bug nitrile gives a value to be 0.14mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.02mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that shop of town limited company work sells fat Dong Laichao of city of 38. Xu Chang, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 0.89mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
City of 39. new rural area is fat east the chicken of 1 batch black that limited company of vivid square of a future life sells, favour Nuo sanded star (with favour Nuo Sha Xing and annulus third Shaxing the sum plan) check gives a value to be 3780 μ G /kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg; Sulphur amine (gross) check gives a value to be 382.7 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100 μ G/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
County of 40. collect hill beautiful water is old the 1 batch deep-fried twisted dough sticks that 4 snack bar sell, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 1070mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 100mg/kg. Inspection agency thes southern part of the country for the river health detect technical limited company.
What finite liability company sells general merchandise of well of government office of 41. Luoyang king is nominal the 2 batch purificatory wheat flour that limited company of 100 million sweet food produces Luoyang, mellow check of Xi of bacterium of hook of deoxidization snow corrupt gives a value to be 1.35 × respectively 103 μ of 103 μ G/kg, 1.72 × G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 1000 μ G/kg. Inspection agency is Henan wide report is metric detect limited company.
Limited company of 10 thousand trade grows 42. Henan happiness the fragrant flowered garlic of 1 batch high-quality goods that branch of Ge Changshe road sells, ester of chrysanthemum of chloric fluorine cyanogen and efficient check of ester of chrysanthemum of chloric fluorine cyanogen gives a value to be 0.69mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.5mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
What inn of flourishing age of the Milky way of limited company of trade of basket of gold of 43. mesa city sells is nominal the sesame oil of 1 batch sesame seed that limited company of development of ground sesameseed oil produces ancient ingredient of city of the inn that be stationed in a horse, acid value (KOH) check gives a value to be 3.9mg/g, standard regulation is do not be more than 2.0mg/g. Inspection agency is Henan wide report is metric detect limited company. Via investigation of basic level bureau, this product is suspected of sham.
44. China water and electricity the 1 batch celery that inn of lukewarm pond of limited company of trade of 3 gorge millennium sells 11 bureaus, check of tick of kill with poison gives a value to be 0.26mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.05mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
The mark commendation that 45. makes limited company of trade of prosperous Cheng sea sell the 1 batch that finite liability company produces Chang Songfeng food Sha Qi Ma, cross oxidation to be worth (with adipose plan) check gives a value to be 0.82g/100g, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.25g/100g. Inspection agency is Henan wide report is metric detect limited company.
City of 46. Xu Chang is fat east come trade group limited company is fat east come the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that times square sells, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 1.34mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
47. week mouth the one peak of 1 batch that company of industrial and finite liability sells one peak is yellow bean sprouts, check of acerbity natrium of second of oxygen of 4- chloric benzene gives a value to be 0.592mg/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
What the first branch sells limited company of service of beautiful business of Yue of 48. secrete in relief county is nominal the 1 batch that limited company of red food of gold of Pu Yang county produces is small cake (roast kind of cake) , antiseptic mixes when using, respective dosage occupies his the check of scale the sum of the largest use amount gives a value for 1.42, standard regulation is do not be more than 1. How does inspection agency need for Henan Nuo detects technical limited company.
49. Zhengzhou the 1 batch fragrant flowered garlic that branch of Qiu Xinjian of business of general merchandise limited company sells Dennis, check of corrupt mildew benefit gives a value to be 1.38mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 0.2mg/kg. Inspection agency is in check group Central Plains farming feed a product to detect (Henan) limited company.
What limited company of China couplet trade sells 50. Jia county is nominal Baotou city blessing the seed of flax of 1 batch Meng Genshan that finite liability company produces health oil is oily (til is oily) , benzene and [A] Bi check gives a value to be 15 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 10 μ G/kg. Inspection agency to unseal city food medicines and chemical reagents examines. Via investigation of basic level bureau, this product is suspected of sham.
The fish of 1 batch crucian carp that ministry of sale of aquatic product of demonstrative area Gong Yanhua sells urban and rural unifinication of city of 51. business grave, check of peacock a green pigment made of malachite gives a value to be 2.2 μ G/kg, standard regulation goes out to do not get check. Inspection agency saves courtyard of product quality supervision and inspection for Henan.
52. always what supermarket of vegetables and fruits of fresh pork of Central Plains of rural area of urban Hou mountain sells is nominal always the 1 batch that urban hat makes rich limited company produces powdery course of study is special pink of essence of life, mellow check of Xi of bacterium of hook of deoxidization snow corrupt gives a value to be 1.97 × 103 μ G/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 1000 μ G/kg. Inspection agency is Henan wide report is metric detect limited company.
53. always the city is luxuriant what shopping centers sells harbor is nominal the noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch of 1 batch potato that limited company of food of Qiu Fujiu Cheng produces business, aluminous remain is measured (dry sample, with Al plan) check gives a value to be 670mg/kg, standard regulation is do not be more than 200mg/kg. Inspection agency examines for medicines and chemical reagents of food of business grave city detect center.
Henan saves the market to control the problem that management board discovers in the light of sampling observation, involve provincial production unit to unqualified sample, already moved by the regulation send corresponding and provincial food to superintend a branch to undertake investigating handling; Involve to unqualified sample provincial production runs an unit, already asked Zhengzhou, unseal, Luoyang, mesa, An Yang, new rural area, anxious make, source of this world of the 3 river of Pu Yang, Xu Chang, Luo, gorge, Nanyang, Shang Qiu, inn that be stationed in a horse, Zhou Kou, letter, aid, instruct make a thorough investigation of the batch of rejected product, amount, flow direction, recall rejected product, adopt next wearing to wait for measure to control a venture, analytic reason undertakes rectifying and reform, give lawfully investigate.
Special warn broad customer, notice food is safe, encounter food safety problem, take an active part in food safety to supervise please, dial 12331 complain inform against a phone to undertake complaining or inform against.
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