Everybody is good I am small make up, welcome everybody to say a society here, we are told today about those heroes that are now beside us. Tell a hero, of all ages can say is countless, when resembling ancient time for instance a few heroes, for instance Xiang Yu, about, huo Qu is ill, zhao cloud and so on, latter-day war of resistance against aggression history, a few general, still have a few soldiers, they are our heroes, to the hero this word, most propbably authority is not new, was to be full of devoir. Still have yearning. Small today make up take everybody check the one a few heroes in issueing us to live now, their silent dedication is worn, do not seek get one's own back the safeguard that they are societies.
To fire control officers and soldiers is authority not new? Give small the reminiscence that edit is precipitant, indomitable spirit can say is invincible.
Graph one
This is in Yunnan the fire there makes struggle in action of put out a fire come out soldier, they are having age of 20 years old, but the hand that has a pair 50 years old however, looking at is uncomfortable really in the heart, let popular feeling ache. Look at them such what we can do exclusively for them is fire prevention, they give the task less to be harmed less, this should be the exclusive contribution that we can make for them
Actually fire prevention acts everybody says those who rise to should care, thank firefighters for the people of the whole country in good health made the largest contribution, you are the most handsome.
Struggle in fire after coming out tired broke down
This is, tumbling into bed. Small make up think, this is entire network is the most handsome sleep appearance, don't you agree together? So everybody should raise consciousness of fire prevention action, these soldiers are the soldier that struggles in Dali fire a few days ago, look at burst into tears, actually they put on military uniform is a soldier, at ordinary times the child that they also are parents. Offer a piece of advice here everybody, go out to be in the place of hilltop field not to drop about later butt.
Tired to anoxic gas cylinder suction oxygen
After rescuing end, soldiers already collapse arrives suck aerobic bottle, iron and steel does not do them, they also are the manhood of vivid. But for people, their sacrifice oneself forgets dead, gallant and dauntless. It is move one to praises and tears letting a person really. Heroes are good appearance actually. Should small make up say, these ability are people's hero. Greeting
Small today make up share ended here, follow-up meeting updates more rich content for everybody, your comment that nod assist is the largest to mine support. Those who like is OK pay close attention to me. The comment adds transmit to collect, these are a few precious photographs. Thank everybody