" management: Mission, responsibility, solid Wu (mission piece) " | is complete this

Book introduction

Peter Deluke is the famous management on contemporary international learns the home, be called " the Great Master in the Great Master " . Be in the United States, he ever held the position of the economist of the financial group that forms by American bank and insurance company, company of American general motors, Kelaisile the management of the big company such as company, IBM company is advisory.

In June 2002, american president Bush announces Peter Deluke is become in those days " presidential freedom decoration " gainer, this is the supreme honor that American citizen can obtain.

20 centuries, the contribute even if works physical strength productivity with very important, individual management rose of 50 times; 21 centuries, the contribution that management can make is the productivity that promotes knowledge the job and intellectual worker. Accordingly, management is a great mission.

Management needs to create responsibility of resource of sale, innovation, manpower, capital natural resources, material resource, productivity, society and profit the target of 8 respects. 3 kinds of balances should be achieved between 8 targets. Running focus is to make work to have productivity and make employee successful feeling. Administrative need is pillar with social influence and social responsibility.

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Books information

Press: Machinist trade publishing house

Translator: ? Does Jiao bar?

Publication time: In September 2009


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