Some people like bicker, build on word with respect to give tit for tat, no matter what people says, he should try to refute. Why to meet such? Because he does not like to listen to the opinion of others, and flatter oneself is more brillant than others, at every turn wants one-up. Although he is more brillant than others really, this kind of manner also is no good. Spoken parts in an opera, this kind of person is in conversation the respect lacks demeanour.
Because a lot of people like to express different opinion, displeased many friends, some people always insist to let others be the same as his viewpoint, this is the expression that does not have demeanour. This kind of person always regards his opinion as absolutely and correct, and regard the opinion of others as foolish and babyish, its can be exit injury person only as a result. Only park of the other side same platform chats, show modest demeanor, ability obtains popular feeling.
The person in observe the life carefully and thing, you can discover, those quarrel with the girlfriend every time the person that can win often won't have long amour. Why? Noisy beat each other, did not convince each other really on behalf of you. If you are enough advisable, do not produce brawl with the person.
When your rage, when wanting to dispute on any account with the other side, might as well think this word: Do not have pair of faults, only amiable.
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