The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only

Jump over acoustical money above all (a few proposals that YSLC168888) gives authority:

1, 6 advice that give the member that trade

(1) , because the market is too troubled,do not have foreword, cannot find common law, excessive analysis and reluctance forecast Yu Yuanmu of as good as to beg a fish, accordingly, accepting the market is this one fact that cannot forecast, it is the first pace that builds psychological dominant position.

(2) , want to remember, perfect negotiant does not exist. You cannot him conquer, your weakness will accompany you all one's life. But, accept oneself weak point, can let you however more quick machine runs, reduce the cost that make a mistake effectively.

(3) , make money besides, those who search to suit him personality make movability machine, understanding is what element drive you go doing the member that trade, it is better to try to be done everyday enjoy this one process at the same time, can help you promotion outstanding achievement and hold long-term gain.

(4) , trade risk and hold trade storehouse time becomes direct ratio, because this controls the best way of the risk, it is control trades time. Because the price is low,do not want to be bought forever, and the price sells; high to not be in forever deficit when add a storehouse.

(5) , proper understanding is successful, the complacent mood of successful generation can cheat true condition. You are won more, the sense is better, conceited feeling is sent more expand. Successful joyance is the anaesthetic of gambler. In a lot of moment, once gambler is excited because of gain, deficit is met subsequently and come. Can what adequate capital and normal state of mind begin each days trade, succeed namely.

(6) , trade successful when not excessive and excited, when be not being arranged, also do not want too depressed. Know pair of faults correctly, do not talk a hero with the result. Sometimes you are done was opposite, still; of be out of pocket sometimes your err, can make money however. Right way is unwarrantable successful, wrong way lets you finally however fail.

2, trade the 3 psychology advantage that gains the home

(1) , optimal expression: The solution of investment behavior gentle that can pass careful him monitoring may hamper its trade potential problem of expression and be benefited. For example, remove the potential obstacle such as pressure, human conflict or undesirable mood, can improve your performance. Everybody has experienced these problems on certain level, adopt self-awareness and specific cognitive behavior strategy, you can hold these issues and prevent their interference to trade.

(2) , involuntary motive and individual character: The member that be not all trading has potential, affect its to trade the involuntary motive of behavior, but the member that some trade has really, should know the expressional form with these involuntary possible motive. If you think you have same case, should do further research so. If you think you do not have this kind of circumstance, that is better of course.

(Finance of 3) , behavior learns: Acknowledge and social psychology experiment consider to make clear, the mankind is overconfident, hate a risk, blame reason is shown when making a decision. ... apt of different level land is decision-making when the member that all trading is making a decision slant to think with blame reason by accident.

3, the actual phenomenon that does not understand analogy and need is promiscuous rise

Although analogy ponders over a help,your understanding trades, but want to remember, you just treat the analogy as guide, the actual phenomenon that does not understand analogy and need is promiscuous rise. Trade likelihood and some kind of activity is similar, but likelihood very different.

The scientist also has tried to undertake to the market science studies, end in order to fail however. Its reason is the market too confused without foreword, cannot find common law. When trade, you must remember this well. What the market does not have scientific institute to need is OK forecast a gender, accordingly you pretend to be able to forecast the market to be without a meaning. Do not want excessive analysis, also do not want to be forecasted constrainedly, accept the market uncertain this be related is solid.

The member that some trading discovers, they and scientist have similar place: The trend that studies the past, hypothesis that offers specific definition, examine through collect and analysing data this hypothesis.

After forming hypothesis, the member that trade is collected from the market and check information, observe market price case is fluctuant whether to support this hypothesis. With the scientist, the trade member that has experience trades through what define clearly the plan is done trade, and systematization ground decides whether does this plan get the market supports. Their behavior is objective and rational, the mood that they do not allow themselves is cloggy and correct decision-making make.

Accordingly, should be clear about when studying the market remember, the adept member that trade is being done an instinctive scientist resembles when trading, form hypothesis ceaselessly and sober and examine objectively they. Meanwhile, should remember finding what OK and contented science asks to repeat market pattern without the person, accordingly, not excessive indulge can forecast the market this one idolum.

Traditional education let investor form confirmed determinism thinking, and can the thinking of reduplicative science theory or model, perhaps can undertake according to integrated element accurate the thinking that forecast, but these thinking became the factor that prevents a success in investment. Why to go up in traditional science significant thing, can you go up with investment in the market fail? Actually, it is wrong that the reason depends on these scientific method itself, they once just be in effectively theoretic, fall in certain and specific requirement just. But the market is different, the market is different from a how its place, accordingly, abandon those forecasting, of determinism, wait a method a moment scientificly, accept the authenticity of the market, ability forms the basiccest investment meet prerequisite quite.

4, the psychological feature of the member that optimal trades

A kind of person has experienced a lot of challenges, learned how to overcome them and score a success. These people are in most moment is joy, they are opposite normally the life is satisfied. They can become the member that optimal trades, because they do not need to prove their ability to others, they know they are successful, be sure to oneself and self-confident to oneself ability height. They never suspect their self-respect, do not believe to also do not care others to be opposite of its value examine.

The person that agree with successfully knows the thing is done not have so simple, they predict to attend a meeting experience fails, because they know through experience " run in the society trip of regular before meeting " . Be in the other sphere of the life such, in trading, also be such. The person of high self-respect learns to regard his in the experience from in the past have the self-worth, person that has self-esteem namely. Once held oneself value, no matter produce what job later, they can value themselves very much all the time. They won't think they must to oneself or the value that other one proves him, the value that won't let oneself depends on other people or thing.

The successful member that trade is in trade from time to tome a kind of relaxed state of mind. They are in trade executive respect does not have difficulty, both neither makes after the event comment on to his decision, also won't get too much the influence of the mood.

A when trade successfully main condition is to should make oneself and current market keep synchronous. The avery kind of that the most successful member that trade can find market psychology and action is subtle difference, they won't let their hope and the real trend that dream to cover the market and characteristic.

Medicinal powder door energy is finite, do only, just make choice likely, the stock is done much, make choice impossibly. Change today, will change tomorrow, write failure basically on the face.

Banker be a resident buyer of a business firm, once go in, won't come out easily. Make choice the most auspicious place, understand main force namely hold dish of gimmick, be familiar with a sex, the operation rises handy. And you are to want to fry all stocks, can you go?


Above all; comes loose householder should be chosen through K line, the idea of brunt is written on K line. The K line of the stock goes situation accord with good technology configuration, oneself can look so that be clear that clear bull is arranged.

Had better choose an edge 20 days line or 30 days of lines show brae to push the share that rise up. The K line share with the sort of acuteness and fluctuant fluctuation is not chosen, because you are felt hard,know the state of mind of brunt. Lay a plan for instance:

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Next policy respect, it is the industry that the country gives aid to.

Choose from these 2 respects, although the likelihood is inferior to certain go up tremendous, but long-term look, accrual can be more than a risk far. Mix in the stock market, not deficient money occupies the first, profitable ability occupies the 2nd.

Go to the lavatory for observation, in stock pool discard stays to pick an operation by force infirmly, the stock in stock pool does not exceed 3, operate actually do not exceed. Feel a stock appeared had made profit awful also.

Had picked a stock, again the trend with large foundation, the choice covers or it is the time length that manages money, be analysed adequately and be familiar with a sex, will become the operation of wave band.

Make choice, the key wants evasive come from other especially the temptation of bibcock of heat of a period, chasing after heat is the thing of short line ace, if you are avowed,not be short line ace, I advise in that way fund you or Mo Yan are hot. Conscientiously has ploughed a mu oneself 3 distribute land. Do one year only pretty good.

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

This such, which have unprofitable reason.

Extended hold a stock, insist to do T everyday, theoretic you will reap huge profit after a few years, tens of profit of times are possible. But this process, need satisfies a few requirement.

Hold some shares above all, it is to outstanding achievement is propped up, in long-term trend to good share. If outstanding achievement is bad, the problem is constant, calculate you to have excellent technology, also keep out hard drop drop endlessly billowy impetus. In the market, still want take advantage of an opportunity and be.

Want to make sure the success that becomes T is led next. Result of make it of the T+0 inside day, can reduce the cost that maintain a warehouse ceaselessly, but if do,failed, also can raise cost, do T everyday so, you must have very strong see dish of ability and operation discipline, should have to the technology very comprehensive understanding and apply, either incidentally buying and selling, should very dispute Pan Zhongwei goes up smally drop, make sure the success of skill is led.

The 3rd do not do T to do T. Do not importune do T everyday, some moment share price fluctuated that day very small, up and down with respect to 9 minutes of money, this does not suit to do T very much, do T forcibly at that time, pay middleman's fee in business giving ticket namely, the profit that makes T trades not as good as poundage and stamp duty.

The 4th exquisite make T method and turn. Full storehouse does T when prices is good, half storehouse does T; to do T to want to search when prices is bad make T good opportunity, for instance share price is pulled suddenly point-blank rise 78 to nod, did not zip harden board, want fall after a rise for certain, fall after a rise may exceed 3% , cast high namely at that time low if open quotation takes power weak power,suck; , share price bear pressure, be down probability to increase ceaselessly, should cast ahead of schedule piece, it is certain to wait for share price to drop quickly fill after the position time.

So, a stock does hold ceaselessly T, theoretic can profit is huge, but should build choose in you, on the foundation with good operation, otherwise the likelihood gains retrorse profit, did not earn gigantic instead deficient. Of course, undertake without ability T+0 is operated in a few days, also can choose wave band operation, thresh is like one, opposite risk coefficient is a bit smaller.

Make a few a pithy formula of T:

Below ascendant trend, answer every time walk all of line or ascendant trend line dropping is the; that buy a place

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Below downtrend, smoke instead every time all of line or downtrend line strong tall it is; selling a site

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Below concussion trend: Touching the edge on casing every time is to sell a site, stepping on the edge below casing every time is to buy a place

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Judge the common time-sharing configuration of the trend:

Ascendant trend:

Low after leaving, rush quickly all the line aerates up, all the line catchs up with (belt attack on the quantity)

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

After leaving high go high, all the line aerates up, the billow before billow bottom prep above supports after, all the line catchs up with (belt attack on the quantity)

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Before passing up tall hind time before walking continue after high point up, all the line catchs up with (belt attack on the quantity)

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Note: Two example also are the method of judgement of two kinds of time-sharing that pursues harden board after (pull harden board to N is planted means, have one commonly word board, double dragon goes to sea 3, 5, 7 billow harden, red flag waves, breakthrough of towering artillery piece, platform, a flight of stairs dish litre wait for means)


Low before after leaving, been not smoke instead tall and move below high point, all the string follows below

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Low low go, all the line aerates downward, one billow under one billow

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Leave high low go drop broken before all been not smoke instead after the line tall, piece new low

The late night boils old shareholder of deficit ten million a 4000 words: Insist to make choice only all one's life a ticket, operate back and forth, do not chase after again go up kill dropped

Defend live oneself can be divided for the following 3 respects

The first: Defend bottom storehouse.

Run to run, it is good to be inferior to defending a share mostly. You look 1664 since, besides grail blue prepare, which board piece in doesn't share price turn over times? Defend to be able to turn over times. And the shareholder that does not defend, can gain 50% very pretty good.

Defend bottom, the shareholder is accomplished the hardest. When because be in,grail goes up madly, the stock that looks at a family rises, the stock in your hand does not agree to go up namely, the shareholder is met in right now heart very afflictive, still can generate suspicion. The shareholder that had not experienced cross is to have what can defend his hard.

According to the experience of old shareholder, some stock often is in in bovine city bottom concussion does not agree to go up, once change,become you, it can rise instantly. And the share that trades often begins to drop again however.

Bottom dish of full half an year, what do not go up one year in bottom even is good mostly, adage says the horizontal stroke rises have how long, vertical stroke rises to have many tall.

Good share is jumped over in bottom do sth over and over again long, what bottom builds is solidder, be about to defend oneself patiently right now, do not go up 3 years, go up eat 3 years. Old shareholder can turn over 10 times in bovine city, break up in calf city severalfold, win in namely defend on kongfu.

The 2nd: Defend a trend.

The trend that metaphase drops, defend empty storehouse, defend money; namely

The trend that metaphase rises, defend a share.

The 3rd: Defend the concept of proper investment.

For instance, go in with the eye of investment, sell with agreeable eye piece.

When value is underestimated, trend up, start work again buy. Wait for trend addle, value overmeasure, sell be derailed the bill stoutly.

The 4th: Defend the discipline of iron, defend fry basic rule.

For instance, buy a fault, sell a fault, should stop in time caustic and stop be filled with. Establish stop damage site, ability assures the safety of your capital. What what learn when you is academic, forecast and go actually situation not when conform to, should value the market, get used to the market.

The 5th: You do not count on a money in the stock market to earn entirely.

Break off both ends, defend a paragraph among, hold on, namely rich but enemy state.

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