Adult most 30 instants that break down

Adult most 30 instants that break down

Today's article, it is to want to talk about those very disappointed to oneself instants with everybody.

Our backstage received yesterday come from the story with reader silent @ :

He says him demit drops the job of follow rules, turned to go to favorite concoctive company all right, stay up late to keep concoctive record every time, did not close a key point several night.

Give in earnestly and sincerely, the boss is knitting brows to look to say: "This is written really not quite go, yourself looks, the company just came that undergraduate is being written is better than you. The company just came that undergraduate is being written is better than you..

Not only such, in sectional meeting, the boss gets angry, say some stuff came 3 months, giving in the thing that come still is very babyish. Can you try hard a little a bit?

-- " everybody knows, those who say is me. Those who say is me..

My gangmaster is low very low, very low, dare not be opposite with him inspect.

"Lay down in the evening come, ineffable, very disappointed to oneself. Very disappointed to oneself..

Actually this is planted the mood, can understand very much.

Confidence sets out completely completely, make wanted appearance hard, but going to walking along discovery, how so hard.

In the heart very be thwarted, stop in place look around to wear, be at a loss.


Disappointed to oneself, what feeling be after all?

The likelihood is graduation faces enterprise autumn action, one antrum warm blood goes interview, feel oneself are firm, the result abandons friend people the short message that got interview 2 rounds, oneself lost an election accidentally however.

The likelihood is Tan Lian when love, the boy friend that follows in different ground is affirmatory, take an examination of on he an officeholder there, as early as possible assemble, lying between screen to talk about love again.

But written examination achievement comes out, differ namely so a few minutes, the future of conception, the instant, become bubble.

Adult most 30 instants that break down

Resemble be about to swim to the bank, poor so little, was about to come up against.

Abrupt, have an eddy after one's death, cruel ground whirls him, be without omen the sort of.

Reader @ great dream says, of before two months one's deceased father grind failure, it is I lived 22 years old, to oneself most disappointed thing.

That is Beijing in March, the weather is very cold still very cold.

Suo of my Duo shiver loses id card, by affirm key, slip mouse, await result that page is played piece.

To check this school, full 365 days, I secure the book that bears 4 hours everyday, become the problem of 6 hours, besides have a meal even if sleep, without recreation.

Adult most 30 instants that break down

But the 100 digit that see total cent, the heart fell to be patted.


... it is the mark that cannot pass anyhow.

"That day, how does get over come to I also do not know. Mix composedly as before friend make impromptu comic gestures and remarks, still comfort pa Mom to say, it is this to was not developed good, still can act like a spoiled child to my Mom even, I say -- the likelihood bothers you to raise me one year again even. I say -- the likelihood bothers you to raise me one year again even..

Great dream is so right I say: " but only myself knows, my heart has much disappointment to oneself. My heart has much disappointment to oneself..

"To oneself disappointment is, that momently, I think: I cannot go up bank. I cannot go up bank..


This kind sad feel helplessly again, had been you also experienced certainly?

Because of ideal and actual existence fall, think instinctively, oneself can be become, that the most dazzling appearance in memory, get oneself most expected life.

But reality, more or less, meeting and ideal produce deviate.

Resembled laying the target before, feel oneself can shoot gules dot of the center, finger is pressed, -- Bang.

Aerosol drops off, that bullet, stay in the place that still has two finger from the centre of a circle.

-- brain wishs mediumly scene, made day dream.

Reader @ kind and gentle intelligent say, I am right present oneself, very disappointed.

Attended a meeting one day, feel brain wanted scamper to drop, take a door, want to fall on the bed directly.

Old father is taking scoop from the kitchen, say: "Just food has been fried, will eat rapidly. Will eat rapidly..

"Did not have father, I am very tired, want to sleep only. Want to sleep only..

My father says suddenly with blamed mood: "How can eat, dish is very good tonight, did green oil to cut chicken to give you in vain designedly. Did green oil to cut chicken to give you in vain designedly..

He pulls me, want to let me sit on dining table.

I throw his hand boringly, run into a room, threw the door heavily -- " I said I am very tired "

Lay down, return the sound that can hear the kitchen lights gas cooking stove, look at the door, began to regret.

"Why I often cannot, where is the sentiment that dominates oneself? Where is the sentiment that dominates oneself??

Adult most 30 instants that break down

Reader @WT says, I ask myself, why cannot become more powerful?

I am old pa is in below native place when stair, walk not carefully empty, boiled, broke a leg.

After sending a hospital the examination, the doctor says, the case is a bit severe, it is to smash sexual fracture, need undergo surgery.

Operation expenses wants 30 thousand.

-- the income that this is equivalent to family person one year

Come out to work 1 year, monthly pay still has 3000 only, do not have money to go back, also cost of art of not be presentable.

"I. . . Seem really. . . Whats are done. Whats are done..

Reader @ He Xiaomei says, when favorite person has put down you, when you had been not put down. True him look down upon.

Apart half an year assumes in front of, see the 2nd half price through Mcdonald's every time, remember date every time, have former taste together with me sweet he of the canister.

Say countless times to want to forget this paragraph of feeling, still meet in the late evening after light-off, cross his friend ring secretly, after breaking up after all, again search his small gain.

Adult most 30 instants that break down

See suddenly today, he changed a friend to encircle cover, it is two hands that pull together, return Dai Leyin to control chain of helical sweethearts hand.

A gray is below, resemble the line with euqally straight knife.

"The memory that goes so, have my person only, still be in foolish foolish recall. Still be in foolish foolish recall..


I see a lot of people, had been hurt by disappointment, in the darkness that suspects in ego, break down silently.

Be next to a pillow in the evening, what conceal by day is sad, again also block does not live.

-- the sort of disappointed feeling, other cannot be seen through, also cannot feel with experience.

Flounder most night, with respect to can involuntary ground, begin to syare blankly want, where be after all incorrect?

-- oneself never had tried, static will next hearts be communicated with parents?

-- it is on-the-job at ordinary times field go up, it is drift along, did lack rise the urge for improvement of duty?

-- feeling cannot act too hastily, do oneself need a paragraph to suit period?

Occasionally, disappointment brings, it is sadness not only, still had us to examine the perspective of the life afresh.

Let us see our desire clear, the condition of instantly, and accept oneself realest look.

Reader @ A Jiao treats disappointed manner, I very approve of. She says:

I often also can am opposite oneself are disappointed, but it is better that I never abandon letting my become.

Bear morer, also grow more, more and more polished oneself world, more and more know, should want how to go next.

Oneself effort, how OK a bit more effective, oneself target, how should be adjusted, I do this business really bad, my life, still have other option?

The disappointment of every time, can make the gift of the life, a dozen opening, it is another kind of possibility of future.

Adult most 30 instants that break down

Sooner or later, we can be missed very much at that time.

In that hard hour, be in charge of for oneself as before, practicing making better decision, although bruise again and again, still have effort actually, go all out be defeated win.

Recollect every time, can admire that be in disappointment arousal, and try hard turn over oneself.

The it doesn't matter with the true path that wind a point is bad.

After be being hit, ability can regain consciousness really, ability can find his scenery.

If you ever went bravely in break down, that is nodded " looking " .

Believe you are met more and more, become the model that oneself like alive.

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