Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

"Alas, my stomach is very painful " , this word always can appear in oneself or the person beside oneself.

The office worker nowadays, young undergraduate, no matter be to result from,the pressure of the life still is school work is onerous, they face a hidden " cold blood killer " , its name makes stomach trouble, this name familiar to the ear can detailed.

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

You do not know my gastralgia forever

Chronic nowadays stomach trouble tends young change, great the indisposition that how many little person has some of stomach bowel to, a lot of people go a hospital finishing what a serious illness also did not discover after gastroscope, after seeing gastroscope reports, discovering however is atrophic sex gastritis, blame atrophic sex gastritis. . . . . .

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

The doctor says to do not have an important matter, but a lot of people still are not at ease, often did not improve in the symptom with gastric uncomfortable ministry, begin to seek all sorts of folk prescription and secret recipe, however such " waste man power and money " , often affected life quality badly to finally.

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

Why can age get gastric disease gently? Probably you can not think of these 5 kinds of reasons!

These 5 abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease accident not at all.

The first, food not the rule

A day of 3 eat do not have the rule, to contemporary office worker going to work, the habits and customs that rises early to return late, let them have breakfast without time, worked overtime to omit again dinner does not eat, do not have a meal can cause hydrochloric acid in gastric juice to secrete overmuch, digest without food can injure gastric mucous membrane, serious when can cause gastric ulcer.

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

Such not dietary time of the rule, what can cause gastric bowel function is disorder, a lot of youths like to take food taken late at night.

Eat too fully before sleep, discharge from the stomach as a result of food empty, enter small intestine to need 4 hours thoroughly, be like reentry to feed right now, burden of aggravating stomach bowel, threw into confusion of the stomach run a mechanism, as time passes can appear digestive function is unusual.

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

The 2nd, eat and drink too much

Present youth, for taste opposite heavier, like to eat the excitant food with a few acrimony excellent super-cooling.

Especially some people are not had hot not joyous, but they do not know however right amount eat hot have profit to the body, but eat mucous membrane of hot can exciting stomach overly, can make gastric mucous membrane congests oedema, have chronic stomach trouble more easily.

Have more very person, obviously oneself had had stomach trouble, still be in charge of not excessive of Pull in your ears! eats hot, cause cankerous haemorrhage.

The occurrence of snack, mixed cate inn, outside returning those who have detest letting a person, sell, these exterior light are bright beautiful food picture backside, contain is worn a tremendous dietary health hidden danger.

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

The 3rd, take the body that be not steriod for a long time to fight phlogistic medicaments

This kind of medicaments is had normally fight phlogistic, fight rheumatism, acetanilide, antifebrile and fight the action such as cruor, taking this kind of medicaments for a long time can be the tall hair crowd of the stomach trouble such as gastric ulcer, gastritis, its take medicaments to wait for reaction of gastric bowel path to gastric mucous membrane is stimulated directly and causing ache, its occurence rate is in 3 % - 9 % .

Long-term or large dose is taken can meet the likelihood that causes gastric bowel to speak blood or ulcer, take time longer, dose is larger, so the possibility that enteron mucous membrane injures also increases.

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

The 4th, pylorus screw bacterium is affected

Stomach as the skin same, can have repair after occurrence cut, undesirable stimulation can exist all the time, so repair function of the stomach also can make mistake, nature causes wall of gastric polyp, stomach easily to add thick and create block even the undesirable consequence such as cancer of the stomach.

Among them, according to epidemiology research, pylorus helix bacili affected global half population about, in the developing country it is to be as high as 90 % more.

And this kind of bacterium dependency of mucous membrane of ulcer, as chronic as enteron gastritis, stomach, stomach mucous membrane is lymphatic a variety of stomaches such as organization, cancer of the stomach closely related alvine path disease, still the anaemia of the sex that be short of iron with unidentified reason, special the plaque that send a gender reduces strength epilepsy to wait for the disease outside a variety of stomach bowel to suffer from about.

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

More terrible, this kind of bacterium is OK without alone medicaments however Ju is killed

As a result of itself of pylorus screw bacterium as as collective as the mankind evolution, hide below gastric mucus layer, the stomach is epithelial the surface, normally inject fluid cannot produce effect, profess to convinced can fear medical effect is met again the ceaseless platoon as protective screen of layer of environment of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, mucous membrane and stomach is empty and sell at a discount greatly.

Plus a lot of patients often of incorrect stomach trouble take seriously, do not achieve curative effect by the requirement, cannot time take medicine, dosage to decrease etc, all can cause eradicative cure failure.

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

And want to reduce infection of this kind of bacterium, need the habits and customs with normative cure and good nurturance from individual angle; And raise people living standard with respect to need from national level, improve living environment.

Look, a small pylorus snail bacili, the thing of drag in is true still not little!

Age gently why is the stomach bad? These 4 kinds of abuse make bedding, you get gastric disease not accident

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