Beg transmit, beg exposure!

Beg transmit, beg exposure!

Hunan of bridge of person be executived

The detail is as follows:

Executive record date: (2016) laurel 0108 hold 276

Time of put on record: On July 12, 2016

Break his promise to be carried out person full name: Liang Xiangxiang

The age: 45

Sexual distinction: Female

Citizen identity number: 450102197307121020

Executive court: Nanning city good people celebrates division people court

What copy clerk of become effective law decides is compulsory: 1, return still loan reachs accrual 53000 yuan; 2, the debt interest during paying to be fulfilled tardily; 3, burden case accepts fee 562.5 yuan, apply for 670.7 yuan to implement fee.

Person be executived fulfills a circumstance: Have not fulfill

Break his promise to be carried out person action is specific case: Refus nonperformance become effective adjudicates obligation

Census register seat / often abode ground: Road of friendship of area of Nanning city Changjiang Delta on the west 2 lis 19 in Fang Biyuan A forms a delegation A-1 date building 2 unit 2-0803 date room

Case detail: For difficulty of have enough to meet need of gold of as a way of of Hunan of Hunan of bridge of person be executived, implement person loan to application 53 thousand yuan, conventional monthly interest is led 7% , loan time limit is 6 months, issue receipt for a loan and house property card each one is by. Be carried out after the person paid interest of a month 3600 yuan to accuser. After loan expires, execute a person for many times via application dun, refus of person be executived not reimbursement

Contact: Liu Shaolin

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