Exposure knowledge: Exposure triangle

Want to cast off the automatic mode of digital camera, try a hand to move the fun of photography? So you understand exposure with respect to need. Beyan Peterson is in his " understanding exposure " tell in one book, altogether has 3 elements to controlling exposure, this is " exposure triangle " . How do these 3 elements enter camera to concern with light.

Affect 3 factors of exposure

1.ISO (speed) : Digital camera sensor is right smooth sensitive pitch;

2. aperture: The dimension that the lamina in the camera lens when filming opens;

3. shutter speed: Shutter holds the time of open.

The light exposure of the photograph by above 3 elements are common action and decision.

Key: Change an among them element, can affect other factor. That is to say you cannot consider alone merely among them any element, do when you all parameter always must pay close attention to in brains when adjusting.

How to understand exposure triangle

The meeting when a lot of people are describing ISO, aperture and shutter rate uses different analogy, in an attempt to remembers this as soon as possible 3 person relation. Here and everybody share the analogy of 3 example. Attention, any analogies are not perfect, acting well is help specification truth only.

Exposure knowledge: Exposure triangle


The camera that imagines you is opened with respect to what resemble a window and shut.

Aperture is the size of the window. The window is larger (aperture is bigger) , entered light is more, can shine more inside house.

Shutter speed is the time that casement opens. The time of open is longer, entered light is more.

Now, imagine you stand inside house, wearing a pair of sunglass, your eye is so not right now sensitive to the light (low ISO of no less than) .

A lot of kinds of methods can increase the light inside house (the light that shows you stand inside house to see) . The time that you can extend a window to open (lower shutter rate) , also can increase window size (increase aperture) , or you are OK still pick off sunglass (increase ISO) .

Good, this analogy is not particularly apt, do not cross you should can understand among them implication.

Exposure knowledge: Exposure triangle


Another analogy that understands exposure is, imagine digital camera exposure into sunbathe.

Basking in the skin that gives bronze-coloured is me all the time the dream since, unfortunate is me had never succeeded -- I always am with scald ending. Here, your skin is equivalent to ISO value, the skin of some people is more sensitive than someone else to the sun.

Right now shutter speed is the time that you insolate below the sun. The time that you bask in is longer, the skin can be jumped over black (of course if time is too long, can expose to the sun too -- scald) .

Aperture is equivalent to your besmear be in what go up personally to prevent bask in oil. Prevent the meeting that bask in oil to stop the ray of the sun, and have different index, the result that hold back is endless also and same. Prevent bask in an index taller prevent bask in oil (lesser aperture) can reduce arrive at your cutaneous sun's rays, result even if the person with more sensitive skin also can be in the sun fell to be basked in a little while more (reduce aperture can lower shutter rate or reduce ISO) .

Say before no less than, this analogy also is not particularly perfect, if where,nevertheless enough shows shutter speed, aperture and ISO act well in digital camera.

The 3rd analogy is conduit. The mouth size of conduit is aperture, the time of conduit open is shutter speed, and the pressure of water is ISO.

Apply integratedly 3 person

Master exposure art to need much exercise. From some this is a kind of skill that takes beguiling property slightly for the respect, although the cameraman of special Taoist priest also meets experience,attempt and they idiomatic different exposure is installed. Want to remember nevertheless, change a parameter to be able to affect exposure not only, return the other result that can affect a piece of picture, for instance, change aperture can change depth of field; Change ISO can change photograph grain; Change shutter can change the effect that takes campaign.

The great place of digital camera depends on it is the superexcellent equipment that practices exposure. You need not spend a minute of money, pat how to much pat glad. Do not use automatic pattern only, multi-purpose type of hand movable mould -- still can use semi-automatic pattern aperture is for instance preferential / shutter is preferential, right now you need to consider exposure triangle only medium 1, 2 parameter setting, and photograph opportunity judges another automatically.

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