Recently, willow river court mediates horses one case to harm the civil dispute case of other, in 3 judicial judge chairs mediation to fall, both sides reachs intercessory agreement, the master Wei Mou of the animal compensates for a victim to deep some 8481 yuan.
△ picture comes from a network
Last year on June 17, the horses that Wei Mou raises is in village mouth because be frighted kicks transient Qin Mou, cause mouth of eagle of Qin Mou left ulna to open sexual fracture and damage of left foot nerve.
Qin Mou is pressing down hospital and cure of hospital of people of willow river area early or late, medical treatment is cost to expend 8481 yuan early or late during cure.
After leaving hospital, qin Mou and its family member search Wei Mou for many times, ask its recoup the cost such as cost of medical treatment cost, delay one's work. Some expresses Dan Wei to not be willing to assume compensation, come to talk things over for many times not after fruit, qin Mou appeals to Wei Mou to willow river court 3 court. Cost of expenses of loss of seek redress medical expenses, spirit, delay one's work add up to 19131 yuan.
After receiving a case, undertake the judge comes to search Wei Mou for many times, some all avoids meeting Dan Wei. Then, undertake the judge comes to the village appoint, through the village appoint found Wei Mou, pass judge and village appoint commentate after law analyse manages, the Wei Mou of be enlightened also is willing 3 the court accepts mediation.
Final, through the judge's mediation, wei Mou states he is willing to recoup 8481 yuan when Qin Mou costs medical treatment cost, the follow-up that assumes this harm treats cost; Qin Mou also abandoned other compensation asking. On June 4, wei Mou passes 8481 yuan 3 the court is handed in in Qin Mou hand.
Judge view
Basis " tort liability law " the 78th: "Raised creature causes other to damage, the animal raises a person to perhaps manage a person to ought to assume tort responsibility, but because perhaps be weighed intentionally by the infringer,can proving to damage is big error is caused, need not be assumed or reduce liability. Need not be assumed or reduce liability..
See from this, when the creature that is raised sends a person to damage, the animal raises a person to perhaps manage a person to ought to assume tort responsibility. Unless be done it intentionally by the infringer.
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