Man small letter male played the part of female outfit to cheat " male friend " 155 thousand

According to Hefei Dai Mou of online message man pretends a female to add on small letter " male friend " , pretend disease of father one's own needs medical expenses, in succession one male friendly property amounts to diddle 155 thousand yuan. Recently, open a court session of court of justice of mew lake town heard this bilk case.

Man small letter male played the part of female outfit to cheat " male friend " 155 thousand

Dai Mou, male, was born in June 1986, culture of junior high school, without course of study. Since July 2017, dai Mou is a purpose with diddle gold, on small letter platform camouflage becomes a woman, pretend to want to make friend with Liu Mou of the injured party, dummy its father be in hospital needs to raise money the fact of medical expenses, carry out bilk to Liu Mou of the injured party for many times. Via checking, turn through small letter Zhang, pay treasure, dai Mou early or late RMB of diddle Liu Mou adds up to more than yuan 132000. In addition, dai Mou still is cheated from somewhere of Liu of the injured party necklace of 2 gold necklace, a platinic gold. Via Chao Hu attestation of market price case monitors a center to maintain, the necklace that be cheated adds up to value RMB 23648.89 yuan. On November 17, 2017, policeman of public security bureau of mew lake city is in mew lake city some guesthouse seizes Dai Mou.

In front courtyard careful, the accusation that wears gear of some pair of public prosecution all consentient. Forensic cognizance thinks, dai Mou of the accused person is a purpose with detinue, dummy fact, hide the fact, RMB of value of diddle other property more than yuan 155000, amount is huge, constitute crime of fraud, sentence a set term of imprisonment 3 years 9 months, punish golden RMB 40 thousand yuan.

(Reporter Li Houxiang)

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