Henan: Does the laborer denounce suicide of firewood hang oneself in building site? Police: It is du

Henan: Does the laborer denounce suicide of firewood hang oneself in building site? Police: It is dummy

Video cut pursues

On June 11, 2018 afternoon, small gain of government of public security bureau of 3 gorge city releases Henan the bulletin says, that day morning, content of the Europe in demonstrative area Henan sheds urban and rural unifinication of 3 gorge city to produce a worker to block the door up to beg field salary incident.

Police says, the policeman hurries to the discovery when managing buy site, content of the Europe in Henan sheds the content of limited company to shed garden project building site to default worker pay, earth of 20 limited company of smelt metal group establish service team and group 20 more than person adopts a door and means of pensile cotton dummy to beg salary.

Henan: Does the laborer denounce suicide of firewood hang oneself in building site? Police: It is dummy

Police bulletin

The netizen gives upriver journalist hair the video presentation that come, 20 smelt metal groups of Chinese bear project of garden of course of study of abortion of heavy goods content of the Europe in the Henan that build, because ask for a pay not if really, two farmers are versed in doubt is like die in hang oneself of building site doorway -- armet of two Dai Tou is clad those who take " human body " suspension is in one place construction site doorway, banner of below the door one white is being written " return my money earned by hard toil " .

The policeman undertook demolishing to spot suspension dummy, undertook to relevant personnel serious criticism is taught, a got-up affair gets be controllinged effectively, manufacturing order has restored.

In the meantime, demonstrative area is in charge of appoint can harmonious tripartite pays a problem to reach unanimous opinion with respect to salary.

The government did not make public the number of this back pay and amount.

Garden of course of study of abortion of heavy goods content of the Europe in Henan is located in Henan to visit area of assemble of 3 gorge industry, construction accumulates 489.88 mus with the ground, basically have 10 monomer such as storehouse of ingot of copper of an alkaline storehouse, alumina storehouse, aluminous ingot.

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