Treasure chicken 54 years old of old policemans come off work to witness two men to hold a knife to

Dispatch of network of treasure chicken news on June 12 towards evening 18 when make 20 minutes, letter of public security bureau visits Hong Wugang managing a horse to come off work there is dinner in returning the home, abrupt, from transmit a hubbub downstairs. From the window Wen Sheng looks, he sees, two men tussle is together, among them Liu of a man is firm (alias) conveniently pick up a brick is bungled to the other side, bring about Wang Chen (alias) the head gets hurt, bleed more than. Right now, the Wang Chen that is irritated draws out the small sword that carries, to Liu Gang back thorn goes, liu strong take advantage of an opportunity has seized a knife to prepare to strike back.

Treasure chicken 54 years old of old policemans come off work to witness two men to hold a knife to fight in the street in the home...

The picture comes from a network

The one act before lets Ma Hongwu realize situation is serious, put down bowl chopsticks instantly, the building below preparation goes checking.

Surround the masses of view to already had 339 people downstairs at that time, ma Hongwu breaks through a crowd, develop two people before, draw out police officer card to cry greatly, "I am a police, instantly stop! " . Two men that fight are stayed in by growl terrified of Ma Hongwu, stay a hand in succession. Prepare to seize a knife in Ma Hongwu when, liu Gang threw the knife in the hand quickly aside. Ma Hongwu sees shape rips two people instantly, ask two people are respective drop back one pace, him station is among two people, should remove person pork shield. Subsequently, the masses of the spot was dialed 110 call the police, substation of bank of short for Weihe River hurried to the spot quickly via policeman of 2 police station, after enquiring a circumstance, 2 people bring back policeman general Wang Chen, Liu Gang to undertake investigating to police station.

A crisis is able to dissolve, surrounded the masses of view to have thumb to this old policeman vertical stroke of 54 years old in succession. Face semmetry assist, ma Hongwu is laughing to say: "I just should do me. "I just should do me..

Via checking, that day, two men produce issue because of affection problem, fortunately Ma Hongwu appears personally in time, just avoided a tragic happening. Classics examination, 2 average per capita are insensate dangerous, at present the case is being dealt with further in. (Tan Lin)

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