Blow is con, american immigration office designs new citizen certificate and naturalization certific

Immigration office (USCIS) begin to redesign citizen and naturalization certificate, these certificate before this had succeeded in 4 agency of the immigration office and a service center try move. Of these certificate redesigning is the immigration office uses blow to be mixed false one of numerous measures that maintain lawful and emigrant system.

Announce according to immigration office website, the naturalization certificate that the course redesigns includes:

N-550, grant the individual that gains American citizen status through naturalization process; N-578, send already the American citizen of naturalization, let them can be admitted by his country identity of citizen of its United States; N-570, send primitive naturalization certificate the missing, person that damage or makes mistake.

Pass redesigned citizen letter, the object of these certificate is those not be the individual that through be in the United States churchyard is born or naturalization program gains American citizen status, include 4 kinds as follows:

N-560A, send the applicant that citizen status gains after be born; N-560AB, send the applicant that citizen status gains namely when be born; N-645 and N-645A, send the family of a certain person the member, the requirement is this individual army of immanent during appointing a war United States enlists in army, and because be in,enlistment gets hurt unripe perhaps die in one's bed dies. N-645 appoints male boy or girl friend, and N-645A object is a female; N-651, send primitive citizen certificate the missing, person that damage or makes mistake. Blow is con, american immigration office designs new citizen certificate and naturalization certificate

The design preventing bogus on redesigned citizen identity and naturalization certificate conduces to prevent individual data to be distorted. Every certificate has unique picture, below ultraviolet ray only ability sees, and any attempts that change this kind of image the metropolis is very apparent.

The design that changes these certificate regularly and the method that print, can help an immigration office defy effectively those counterfeiter. Although the exterior is changed somewhat, but these certificate application and reception order did not change. People also does not need to replace his old letter. Additional, the letter that obtains before be redesigned this still can be used.

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