Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do a

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health soHave 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health soHave 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so

(the story that backside of model of chaste tree Hunan knows here)

20 - crowd of 44 years old, healthy least of all! " index of health of traditional Chinese medical science of the whole people considered to report 2016 " show, 20~44 year old scale of dweller disease state is 23.0% , there is the age in place paragraph in, disease state scale is top.

The youth often praises oneself young, boil sure, sanitarian preserve one's health oversight. Little imagine, excessive overdraw the body, arrive from exhaustion sudden death also with respect to 6 paces just.

6 paces take sudden death edge

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so

Body hair is heavy

The whole body is aching

Sudden sudden death

Often make tired

Irritable or depressed

The disease pesters a body

Measure the fatigue value that measures you

1. morning does not remember a bed, getting up constrainedly also is all over tiredness.

2. works or see book attention be centered hard.

3. conversation is weak.

4. does not wish to chat with the colleague, after returning the home also Chang Mo does not make a sound.

5. always thinks stretch oneself, gape, sleep eye Xing Song.

6. is disinclined to climb a building, go upstairs to often tie a foot constantly.

The bus opens 7. come over to also do not want to grab a pace to be caught up with.

8. likes to lie sofa, leg drive up ability is comfortable.

9. limb sends hard, two legs heavy, both hands is easy quiver.

10. appetite is poor.

11. heart-throb bosom is frowsty, have a kind of inarticulate afflictive flavor.

12. often abdominal distension, diarrhoea or constipation.

13. forgetfulness is big, the more the job before is forgotten easily the more.

14. falls asleep not easily or wake early, after falling asleep, daydream ceaselessly.

Above symptom, occurrence 2-3, express to spend exhaustion gently; Occurrence 3-4, exhaustion is spent in expressing; Occurrence 5-7, express to spend exhaustion again; If have 8 above, explain the body has appeared possibly disease, had better make an inspection to the hospital.

Sudden death is beside


Excessive overworked

Often stay up late can make the person's sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve are in the condition with maladjusted function; Have a meal, work and rest not the rule can cause low candy low Potassium, electrolyte is disorder, bring about arrhythmia, this is the main reason that causes sudden death of heart source sex.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so



Cardiovascular disease loves to love fat person most. Fat crowd takes factors of all cardiovascular disease risk almost complete, and easy happening charge heart failure of courage and uprightness, stalk of incidental cardiac muscle dies when amalgamative coronary heart disease and sudden death.


Smoking drinks

The person of smoking produces 3 times the risk that cardiac muscle straightens dead is an ordinary person. Alcohol can let a heartbeat accelerate, blood pressure is elevatory, it is the trigger that pulls a heart attack, drink for a long time to still can cause the disease such as heart exhaustion.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


3 tall

Tall blood fat, hypertensive, tall blood sugar can injure hemal endodermis, make blood becomes stiff, form congee appearance sclerosis spot piece, once burst, can form thrombus shiver to jam hemal, cause cardiac muscle to be short of blood, angina, cardiac muscle to straighten dead to wait.


Pressure is great

Angst, high pressure, terrified, depressed wait for a mood to be able to bring about hypertensive, coronary heart disease to wait. Return meeting to add rhythm of the heart the risk of wrong, hemal convulsion, cause sudden death even.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


Dozen breathe out

Stertorous it is an omen that Morpheus breath suspends be being asked for integratedly, if " Morpheus breathes time-out " time exceeds 120 seconds, produce the sudden death in Morpheus probably.

Such doing win a health

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


Decompression from eat begin

Fight pressure actually OK also from take take as the point of departure, alga of much draft fruit, vegetable, bacterium. Compensatory vitamin and microelement are fought this kind press food, be far from the pressure boost food such as kiss coffee, sweetmeat and snack.


Have breakfast on time

Chang investigate make clear, no matter the person that have breakfast is mentation or body condition are close friends at the person that does not have breakfast. Breakfast can help people maintain inferior pressure level.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


Absorb enough moisture

Moisture is self-evident to the importance of human body, if human body lacks moisture content, blood can begin to become stiff, and cannot carry nutrient arrive each organs, the person can feel fatigue. Accordingly, person people two hours ought to absorb every other at least 250ml moisture avoids the body to appear the symptom that lack water.

If you do not like to drink water, the fruit with high content of a few moisture also is right choice, if be like watermelon, orange,wait.


Avoid to absorb overmuch caffein afternoon

Research shows, absorb everyday 200 - the caffein of 300mg (2 - the content of the caffein in 3 cups of coffee) can make the energy of people more abundant. But if overmuch caffein is absorbed afternoon, can affect the Morpheus of people badly, make you are in feel exceeding exhaustion the following day.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


Go out to turn more

Frowsty indoors sedentary go against health, can bring about not only fat, still can make the mood more depressive more angst. Be inferior to managing to find time participate in social activity, or go out, as close as nature, walk everyday hurried of 10 thousand paces is healthy, bask more can promote calcium to absorb, see green also can adjust more mood, slow pressure.


Use shower Man to solve body exhaustion

Investigation shows, the informant of 55 % thinks to use " hydrotherapy " can alleviate effectively fatigue. If do not have conditional shower, the gush on past face some water also can have pretty good effect.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


Hear music

Music is OK and rapid help you effectively cast off negative sentiment, accordingly, when you feel tired, might as well the song that opens acoustics to listen to his to like.


The society pours out to the person

In leaving anguish in the heart perhaps very the style that accords with adult, but pour out to other however can effective side you cast off negative sentiment, when be not maintained really, give a mood an outlet, this meeting makes you restore groove as soon as possible.


As far as possible little life

Science considers to prove, have a lot of negative effects to the person's body angrily, it can affect your heart lungs function, and make you easier feel tired.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


Use gem gal to breathe a law

When people is in pressure to fall, be used to shallow and quick breath way normally. And law of gem gal breath advocates the deep breathing with slow people, can increase oxygen so inspiratory quantity, make thereby person more spirit.


Maintain week environment cleanness

Confused environment can give a person the sense of out of control, accordingly, clear regularly the job and surroundings make them sleek, OK and effective mediation mood, aid you to be far from pressure.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


Let your anxiety affection be written down

If you cannot overcome the worry to the thing, so try to write down it, the possibility that analyses this next thing happening seriously next has how old. Consider to discover, the thing of human worry has 7 Chengdu won't happen. But persistent angst can let you feel exhausted meaning.


Syare blankly 5 minutes everyday

2016, the country defends unripe family planning appoint appeal broad citizen everyday " syare blankly 5 minutes " , with cell of energy, active at concentration head, ease angst and pressure.

Have 6 situations only to sudden death from exhaustion! Does your exhaustion have many serious? Do ability to win a health so


Make sure sleep is enough

Enough sleep is right healthy best protection, do not stay up late, accomplish as far as possible sleep before 23 o'clock, utmost ground ensures Morpheus time and Morpheus quality. Noon break time no matter personally indoors outdoor, the repose that close eye or small resting 20 minutes is necessary.

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