Story: The station in lotus crock has a person, wait for others to scold him only, who does scold to

Once upon a time, home Yang place of business is living a person calls Yang Er.

His home passes very richly originally, can not know how to reply a thing, waited for Yang Er to be brought up, family circumstances is poorer and poorer, final Yanger marries even son's wife did not rise.

Yang Er has a the biggest trouble, shout abuses in the street loves particularly in the mouth. Actually his person does not calculate too bad, because love shout abuses in the street,can be, a lot of people are hiding he goes. Who is willing a bit carelessly by curse?

Story: The station in lotus crock has a person, wait for others to scold him only, who does scold to have bad luck as a result

Yang Er time passes depressedly, mouth is sordidder. A day he is outside the village go for a walk, see roadside is placing crock of a big lotus suddenly.

His left and right sides is looked up and down, all around unmanned; Go to the front of lotus crock is close careful to examine again, the decorative pattern outside lotus crock is particularly elegant, and intact. This big crock can sell 49 silver at least.

He is extremely glad, without giving thought to thirty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-one, move the crock first come home to say again. Also do not know the strength that where he comes to, lift lotus crock to the shoulder to carry returned the home.

Arrived in the home, he gives lotus full water pours in the crock. Sell later do not sell discuss again, can become first now at least jar of a water is used. Still never mention it, there was water in lotus crock, look more good-looking.

Yang Er also is dull anyway, look at this lotus crock with respect to logy, looked a long time all the time, till late hour. The ground thinks the very pleased with oneself in the head, waited to sell lotus jar, earn brushstroke money, enjoy well certainly.

Story: The station in lotus crock has a person, wait for others to scold him only, who does scold to have bad luck as a result

Should sleep, he looked in crock of undesigned face lotus, discover to a piece of ghastly and pale face appears on surface suddenly!

Yang Er is frightened so that cry to sit on the ground pit-a-pat.

His courage is fortunately great, wanting perhaps is to misread. He stands up, look in face crock again, it is to misread really so. On surface, it is oneself face.

Yang Er grows at a heat, turn the head goes, in canthus beyond light, discover that piece of face on surface did not disappear at all, developing oneself actually laughing!

There is dirty word to turn in Yang Er mouth the head runnings.

A shade appears in lotus crock miserable miserable sound, "Come back to say to meet with me bad language, I put you, otherwise I take you by the throat! Otherwise I take you by the throat!!

Yang Er dare not run, he turns a body, "Your forgive I, I also dare not say bad word again. I also dare not say bad word again..

The water in lotus crock turns over a big flower like boiled water suddenly, the top on surface gives the poll of a composition that use water to come, "Do not be afraid of, we are a kind of people! You scold me with the dirtiest word, scold me more happier. Do not scold, I take you by the throat! I take you by the throat!!

Yang Er dare be not scolded, but the head that that water becomes asks again and again, scolded a few with respect to light tone.

Story: The station in lotus crock has a person, wait for others to scold him only, who does scold to have bad luck as a result

As expected, the character that that water makes bursts out laughing, rise taller more in water, neck, the body, limb, finally, be like person of a water to stand in the crock.

Yang Er scolded a time fully, the National People's Congress in the crock laughs, "Hereto, thank you! Thank you!!

Yang Er is battling nerve asks, "Why do you like to be scolded by me? "Why do you like to be scolded by me??

The person in the crock is laughing to say, "The person always cannot say bad word, the immortal thinks, when the person says bad word there is dirty idea certainly in the head, this and maleficent do not have any distinction, because this is scolded,be equivalent to doing a bad thing, sentence an official to be able to be recorded in account. Accumulate over a long period, with respect to meeting pare the life of this individual. I am original life is 80 years old, because always say bad word with you, do not drop to 30 years old finally drowned in water. Because real life is done not have, shade Cao does not receive me, I am forced to hide in lotus crock to await an opportunity. You scold me, be equivalent to be opposite I am maleficent, the crime that also reduced me course of study. Now, I can go reincarnation reincarnation. I can go reincarnation reincarnation..

Yang Er listens, psyched out, "Scolded you so a long time, can I decrease birthday? Can I decrease birthday??

Story: The station in lotus crock has a person, wait for others to scold him only, who does scold to have bad luck as a result

Then the individual bursts out laughing, "Irrespective, I send this crock you. With me, you are waiting for others to scold you. If nobody is scolded, you can make Gu fetch tough spirit only. You can make Gu fetch tough spirit only..

Say, then the individual disappeared.

Yang Er is astonied, mad like before developing a crock, he wants to break the crock into pieces, result sole glance, head over heels grows lotus crock in, was drowned by while still alive.

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