Hello everybody is good, the drumstick of for use of an emperor that I am Miss is small make up, daily game encircles new information and you to share ~
When everybody is playing to seek to live on absolutely recently, outside feeling, hang a lot of less ah? The relation that the system hangs outside the turn overing that this and they update ceaselessly is not divided. Nevertheless recently, seek to live on absolutely the system was hanged to appear outside turning over problem, bring about large quantities of one innocent players Zhang date by unusual ban, very much even the player that several months did not log onto game is medium action.
Then, battle Eye official pushs the information that released a apologies to pacify a player, say to be in as soon as possible the innocent Zhang date that system of lift a ban seals by accident.
A lot of players of domestic are medium also action, express dissatisfaction below PUBG Guan Bo in succession.
And Guan Bo can do also be only all the time it seems that apologize to everybody ceaselessly, to this, believe a lot of people had minded did not blame.
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