person honor: Mei Xi personally accredit a surname captures tiger skin, the book that carry a pen wr

Liao Meixi, was born in Argentina 987 years on June 24, holy humble saves Luosaliao city. Argentine football athlete manages duty forward, show effectiveness at Barcelona football club. Wang Zherong boast rolled out a surname to capture tiger skin be related to suffer broad player to pay close attention to fully recently.

person honor: Mei Xi personally accredit a surname captures tiger skin, the book that carry a pen writes Wang Zherong to boast 4 words, outstanding

A surname captures a tiger, can see from inside placard this skin is character model design according to Mei Xi, gas shoot attitude splashs the wears 10 polo shirt Mei Xiba in classic battle the blue lion head after shooting one's previous experience, it is bully gas unsurpassed really it seems that.

person honor: Mei Xi personally accredit a surname captures tiger skin, the book that carry a pen writes Wang Zherong to boast 4 words, outstanding

The skin is made for full specially good effect, include average charge inside, the theme is a football of course, especially person configuration one skill, shoot the movement of goal to Mei Xi explodes classically, force feels dye-in-the-wood.

person honor: Mei Xi personally accredit a surname captures tiger skin, the book that carry a pen writes Wang Zherong to boast 4 words, outstanding

So. This involved the accredit issue of Mei Xi's individual. Should know you want Mei Xi 4 seize award of European gold boots. Can divide autumn scenery with C Luo Ping. Super player. Do not cross the actual strength with Tecent. The accredit nature of trifling Mei Xi is be nothing difficult.

person honor: Mei Xi personally accredit a surname captures tiger skin, the book that carry a pen writes Wang Zherong to boast 4 words, outstanding

In Mei Xi personally after accredit day is beautiful, use brush happily to write Wang Zherong to boast again 4 words, the sign one's name that adds oneself is given the day is beautiful. Can see the Mei Xi that never the contact crosses Chinese, brush word also is horizontal smooth upend actually, this estimation can let most young associate feel abashed, ha. Giant star plum writes nevertheless these 4 words have Wang Zi only personally on the west. Some netizens can't help speaking: The horizontal stroke makes the same score upend, have pupil level really

person honor: Mei Xi personally accredit a surname captures tiger skin, the book that carry a pen writes Wang Zherong to boast 4 words, outstanding

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