Fokelore of the Dragon King: Tang Wulin's one's life experience is done not have so simple! Golden

In Tang Jiasan little " fight Luo Daliu " after lifting an upsurge, its continuation " the Dragon King is fabulous " lift a new novel heat successfully again. " the Dragon King is fabulous " the story that the son Tang Wulin that what basically tell is Tang San holds important task concurrently to save the mankind personally. The person that has seen fokelore of the Dragon King knows Tang Wulin has a Wu Hun only actually is La Yincao, his so fierce reason is the arousal of the arteries and veins of blood of golden the Dragon King because of later period, also promote blue silver step by step to upgrade carelessly. In the novel Tang Wulin says the son that is Tang San, here small write the son that can'ts help wanting to ask Tang Wulin is Tang San really? That why doesn't he have successive Hao Tianchui?

Fokelore of the Dragon King: Tang Wulin's one's life experience is done not have so simple! Golden the Dragon King is his benefactor actually!

What everybody knows Wu Hun is successive as powerful as parental Wu Hun degree has very big correlation, what he accedes is a relatively powerful that, because such ability make the mankind stronger and stronger. But what Tang Wulin accedes however is La Yincao, and the Hao Tianchui that did not accede, be because is Hao Tianchui not quite powerful,? The answer is negative of course, hao Tian Zongke is the mainland the first door, but why to accede? This is worth our get to the bottom of!

Fokelore of the Dragon King: Tang Wulin's one's life experience is done not have so simple! Golden the Dragon King is his benefactor actually!

Tang Wulin is born in an average household, military spirit arousal when a blue silver is only careless, with respect to Lian Wuhun fetch force has 3 class only, but he is done not have crestfallen one pace repairs refine to arrive 10 class draw-out soul when draw-out however arrived an incomplete second soul, be changed to cause small Jin Long by arteries and veins of blood of golden the Dragon King later. The secret of hematic arteries and veins discovers in fighting with when thank Xie, in the form that this does not have Tang San almost in growing process.

Fokelore of the Dragon King: Tang Wulin's one's life experience is done not have so simple! Golden the Dragon King is his benefactor actually!

Still have even if Tang San says to say golden the Dragon King to destroy all over the body elite infuse to arrive inside Tang Wulin's body before on one's deathbed in the book of arteries and veins of blood of golden the Dragon King inside Tang Wulin body, want to kill Tang Wulin, but Tang San is one class god venerates Nereus, when Tangsan and small dance with sth in one's hands are together OK and fit make divine group Wang Xiuluo of the first god is magical, you say golden the Dragon King is given quickly to kill by them, still can have an opportunity infuse of a suit elite inside Tang Wulin body, cannot be justified or explained away having a place.

Fokelore of the Dragon King: Tang Wulin's one's life experience is done not have so simple! Golden the Dragon King is his benefactor actually!

Is what arteries and veins of blood of golden the Dragon King brings him destruction really? Here small make up feel or get him with belt of golden the Dragon King more it is a help. Before because be in,arteries and veins of blood of golden the Dragon King was not aroused, tang Wulin's aptitude is commonplace all the time, attract the is him all the time perseverance of others, but advance rapidly of the actual strength after the hematic arteries and veins in golden the Dragon King is aroused. The hematic arteries and veins that golden the Dragon King emphasizes all the time in the book is potential crisis, but don't this feel after the growing course that sees Tang Wulin more is resembling a kind of drive? Resembling is now socially the educational means of Mom of accipitral pa tiger, and golden the Dragon King appears more like the teacher that is Tang Wulin!
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