Green edition " peony wells balanced " outlook defensive position is written down

Late on May 25, 2018 7:30, inside Hefei great theater full, not even a crow or sparrow can be heard inside pavilion, static wait for big play start.

Today, theater of elder brother of Jiangsu province Suzhou performs green edition here " peony wells balanced " .

15 years before, mr Bai Xianyong hand in hand theater of Suzhou elder brother makes green edition meticulously " peony wells balanced " , already was in since premiere 2004 global show many 300.

Inside hall of opera of great theater of range estimation Hefei, 8 becoming above is young audience.

In 90 hind actor Liu Yu those who wait is wonderful deduce, exquisite and elegant Gu Li, pure big beautiful Kunqu opera conquered full-court audience...

Green edition " peony wells balanced " outlook defensive position is written down

The audience is static wait for begin

Green edition " peony wells balanced " outlook defensive position is written down

8 becoming above is young audience

Green edition " peony wells balanced " outlook defensive position is written down

Stage setting pure beauty

Green edition " peony wells balanced " outlook defensive position is written down

Arena too many beautiful things

Green edition " peony wells balanced " outlook defensive position is written down

The show ends, actor respond to a curtain call

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