The breakdown cause with mechanical drive common speedometer

The breakdown cause with mechanical drive common speedometerThe breakdown cause with mechanical drive common speedometer

Pressing with a finger is jumpy

    Bearing aperture wears away to greaten or be worn is pivot wore away aluminous cover is out of shape with magnet position of attrition flexible shaft is not arranged curve worm wheel worm to have individual tine bad scrap by magnet inspiratory, overspread attrition with aluminium

Pressing with a finger is not moved completely

    The worm wheel of transmission flexible shaft or worm attaint flexible shaft the square head of two end wears away the aperture inside decrescent speed watch crosses large flexible shaft to shorten drive axis blocks sluggish

Odograph counts print wheel to be not moved

    The worm of decelerate worm wheel of odograph blocks several print wheel rustily card lives several print wheel and little drive gear are out of shape card lives

Several print wheel have a half to work

    A tine of round of both sides damages pinion damages
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