After uremia is dialytic, how to rescue odd kidney function to become a key! Collect!

Uremia is chronic kidney failure eventually a kind of expression of evening, kidney function often the loss is already special and severe, at this moment best method undertakes the kidney replaces remedy namely, namely dialytic.

Although have dialytic treatment act against one's will, but the patient still has the kidney function that is remains. Clinical experience tells us: Face different dialytic patient, dialytic hind the patient that still has amount of partial make water its live condition and life quality relatively the patient of anuresis wants tall.

After uremia is dialytic, how to rescue odd kidney function to become a key! Collect!

So how ability at the same time dialytic prevent odd kidney function to lose at the same time? Want to notice the following:

1. avoids excessive dehydrate exceeding filter

Uremic blood appears a patient to do weight to maintain, often be in dialytic when filter dehydrate exceeds inside unit time too overmuch, fast, but airframe has not enough time to take the place of countervail, bring about nephritic perfusion to decrease quickly, uric quantity decreases very quickly even anuresis, it is one of the mainest factors that bring about leftover kidney function to be lost quickly.

So, want to control dry weight strictly, dialytic period weight growth cannot pass much, to old reach angular patient to do weight to should be controlled more strict. To peritoneal and dialytic patient, do not use the dialytic liquid that Gao Nong spends as far as possible.

After uremia is dialytic, how to rescue odd kidney function to become a key! Collect!

2. applies diuretic appropriately

Right dialytic hind the patient that still has uric amount, outside removing above means, can consider application to climb diuretic to protect leftover kidney function of the patient. This dialytic to peritonaeum patient especially important, peritoneal and dialytic patient has a characteristic: Hematic flow is mechanical and steady, function of this leftover to protection kidney has an advantage very much.

Accordingly, dialytic to peritonaeum the patient that returns quantity having make water, OK and groovy take climb diuretic, but still should note its side effect.

After uremia is dialytic, how to rescue odd kidney function to become a key! Collect!

3. avoids application of kidney noxiousness medicaments

Although uremic patient is entered dialytic, but most patient still has function of partial remains kidney, in cure, want to avoid the application of kidney noxiousness medicaments as far as possible. If see hot demulcent drug kind antibiotic in clinical go up to want to avoid to use as far as possible, because of kidney noxiousness medicaments use meeting lowers rate of kidney spherule filtration, can accelerate leftover kidney function to lose.

If the patient can be in assure to leftover kidney function still can be protected below sufficient and dialytic premise, defer the forfeiture of function of its remains kidney, hold certain uric amount, also have certain safeguard to life quality, prognostic and opposite for better also!

After uremia is dialytic, how to rescue odd kidney function to become a key! Collect!

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