The woman is cheated many yuan 60, cheater says: "She is too kind-hearted really! "She is too kind

Have an innocent lady, was cheated about a hundred times by cheater, lamentable is, the light that be cheated is all after the saving, she still thinks the other side can return her money innocently. The woman is cheated many yuan 60, cheater says: "She is too kind-hearted really! "She is too kind-hearted really!!

The lady that be cheated receives the good friend application of a stranger suddenly one of these day, she did not want to add him more for the good friend.

This new friend professes is a boss, the boss says he lost mobile phone and wallet outside, lend money to this lady, kind-hearted lady lent him liberally money. Do not have a few days, the boss still gave her money

Call acknowledgment lady to borrow money to give him, he should help lady investment make money, innocent lady sees have such good work, made one part money to this boss. After a week, boss if really hit to her the money of accrual.

After a few days, the boss sends an incoming letter to cease again, say him at hand lacks cash, lend money to this woman, the lady made money very quickly the past.

such, be in next in a many month, boss with all sorts of reason, lend money to this lady for many times, achieve hundred thousands of yuan.

The woman is cheated many yuan 60, cheater says: "She is too kind-hearted really! "She is too kind-hearted really!!

When this lady wants money to the boss, the boss expresses all sorts of apologize, say oneself were willing to sell oneself house first, still get on Qian Xian.

This lady sees the boss is so genuine, put down wariness again.

This lady has been divided about a hundred times early or late second " borrow " to " boss " many yuan 60, ability had the lady's husband to be aware of eventually,

The man that knows casuse and effect feels to encounter cheater, the man that transforms a lady then is taking this lady to conclude the case to police station newspaper.

The woman is cheated many yuan 60, cheater says: "She is too kind-hearted really! "She is too kind-hearted really!!

Welcome to reprint:News » The woman is cheated many yuan 60, cheater says: "She is too kind-hearted really! "She is too kind