" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you

Tonight " creation 101 " the first season ends finally, meng Meiqi the first C go out, wu Xuanyi Yang Chao ranks the 2nd more the 3rd.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Search heats up on small gain last " rocket girl " after be being denied, just know, round before name is called " rocket girl 101 " , no matter where go to later, do not forget first heart, 101 it is the place with their initiative dream, not allow to forget.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Although the match ends at this point, but the state of direct seeding spot again and again, simply horrible. Let us one case now check falls.

Accident spot of traffic accident of one teach Jing" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Come from banana recreation to come on the stage for the first of vocal music team, but hear singing we, spot of just like traffic accident. What see a program at that time is small make up also was startled, after all Fu Jing never has error to pass.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

The audience in small gain also gave out to explain specificly, sister of the young lady before the match had said throat is uncomfortable, sing process eardrum to return also gave an issue. Elder sister of the young lady below such state is sung calmly also is very not easy.

Accident 2 Yang Chao jumps over thrash" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

The 3rd Yang Chao that goes out is jumped over, coming on the stage this still is same beauty is pure. But in solo dance phase, the little sister's dancing wants to compare with someone else, really the foundation is a lot of poorer, the spot is just as duck thrash, very awkward.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Although the netizen oppugns Yang Chao to exceed the performance of 101 total final, say Yang Chao did not follow more completely to go up movement. She also goes up for a time hot search, unison sound also runs tone, but the life is such, lucky always can arrive to go up to lucky person. Make greater efforts after hope little sister sing dance to still have learn to act in a play oh ~

3 Wuxuan appearance drop the accident wheat" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

No matter sing to still dance,obtaining the 2nd Wu Xuanyi's small princess exceed a club, although do not have the C on the station, but also be later have an ascensive space, bigger target goes hard. But bagatelle reason also appeared in the program.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Saw ability several times understand, abrupt wheat was dropped when Solo of dancing of original Wu Xuanyi, what face a processing fortunately is good, do not know think playing leisurely ball, false alarm! Arena is very sober, not alarmed, movement of meet an emergency is without violate and feel, this calls professional ability strong.

4 yellow Bo call the accident name of clean of wrong Xu dream" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Ranked 11 Xu Mengjie special adventruous to enter the name that form a delegation, she of special all the time effort is seen by the audience eventually. But in the program, huang Bo calls her name the fault unexpectedly.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

When making Xu Mengjie's name, huang Bo calls Cheng Shimeng clean. Wang Bo this brain, do not remember reading aloud Tong Liya name last wrong, still brought up " ever used a name " hot.

5 violet peaceful skins differ the accident" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

In this direct seeding, when lamplight is hit on the skin of violet peace, small the eye that write was stupefied immediately. The skin is coarse still have a lot of blain, ferial the violet peace of li of beautiful be bored with makes me amazed indeed.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Close vermicelli made from bean starch is in for violet peaceful back up, understand the reason with violet peaceful poor skin, the likelihood is recently too overfatigue is tired, the time that creates 101 exercises is really hard also, hope violet peace can be some earlier cure the skin.

6 Peng Yu Yan compares the accident heart forest Jia is installed" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Today's program invited Yu Yan of national husband Peng, spot strike back uses the audience that compare a heart. But install did the will compare a heart camera lens with particularly piquant Tecent aim Lin Jia, of Peng Yuyan before cummer, such operation, it is red is heard really ceaseless.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

Some time ago also media explodes expect 2 people concern, but agent denies Peng Yuyan, saying is friend of simple a female only. So Tecent this camera lens, started wind of a the Eight Diagrams again.

The 7 charm that make peace displease the accident modelling division" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

The last program comes on the stage, the beauty of the Shuai Mei with beautiful a general term for young women of other young lady, make Jing Yun this green skirt, it is hot really my eye. Super unseemly is dressed up, follow maize hair to match besides, this is what hairstyle. Displeased modelling division, ability will be so ugly dress up, well a belle is dressed up destroyed.

" create 101 " the backside that list announces, still have friend of this 7 important matters you do not know!

No matter how, our direct seeding also had ended, although the spot is very much minor accident, but ending came out, we still very excited ah. The bean plum that likes regrettablly comes back, language of person of talented woman Liu still has overheating the elder sister of Miss Chen Yihan with soft beautiful strong capability did not go out, irrespective nevertheless, your story is returned after very long. Cheer!

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