A reporter: The one veteran after Argentina loses a ball one young general fights, veteran by fan on

Be in Saturday, a paragraph of video circulates in Argentina. What this video films is the picture that Argentine football coach and reporter Kaluosuo chat with the person. This coach professes to there is planted agent inside Argentine nation group, he published an inside story: After be defeated by Keluodeya, argentine two players ever fought.

A reporter: The one veteran after Argentina loses a ball one young general fights, veteran by fan one a slap on the face

Argentina is right Keluodeya's match, the door commits Kawalailuo serious error, concede points team desertions one ball. Kaluosuo is announced, contest wheeler Siqielanuo rebuked to block Walailuo: "Masiqielanuo says to Kawalailuo: ' you are an idiocy. ' he begins name-calling. Handkerchief article says to Masiqielanuo: ' enough, did not say again. He is a poor guy, such, let off him. He has thrown a ball, you cannot kill him. ' "

A reporter: The one veteran after Argentina loses a ball one young general fights, veteran by fan one a slap on the face

Kaluosuo discloses then: "Masiqielanuo says to handkerchief article: ' you how, bub? Blamed, shut up! ' handkerchief article gave him one slap. Two people are hit. Pawenke is a social person. " handkerchief article this year ability is 22 years old, it is a new personality of Argentine nation group.

A reporter: The one veteran after Argentina loses a ball one young general fights, veteran by fan one a slap on the face

Kalusuo still discloses: "Player people before dawn called to Buluchajia at 4 o'clock, let him when team advocate handsome. They want to drive away Sang Baoli. They want to drive away Sang Baoli..

A reporter: The one veteran after Argentina loses a ball one young general fights, veteran by fan one a slap on the face

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