Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

On the road of life,

Had seen how many landscape,

Had walked along how many crossing,

Encountered the person of how many and trouble,

The machine that is called days as that together slowly go gradually from inside our brain gradually far,

Till far those who go is punch-drunk.

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absentNocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

Whose scallion years,

In the story that takes into to do not have ending,

Played the first awakening of love time in life,

absurd fleeting time,

The heart hurt years.

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

Days is like water,

Always do not have mark,

A green music,

In our day after day,

Year answer in day of a year,

Reached the distant place that we cannot touch all right,

Past of turn one's head,

Green Le Sheng, hazy, agonized, and Gan Tian...

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

Green time,

Silent below days ground of every little bit is going,

As us ground of every little bit is in grow slowly.

Of time elapse,

Changed us the story of how many,

Once that she,

Wane to the close at the dim light of night below,

Also do not search to give her figure again,

The mood of desolate,

Light Sai Lian,

Beat staticly in the Na Panjing of the other shore,

Be like a song that is over without compose,

Still rise and fall in in the heart, bouncing.

Riverside one's way home, spend popular full way

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

Go gradually gradually far blur gradually,

Be gone after in those days attentively that her,

In the journey of our life,

Her appearance, her beautiful image, her speech,

Do not know to stand which gradually annihilate is in our days,

Absentminded the dream of a consistent field beauty,

The dream wakes time, penniless.

Natural and tranquil, encounter lives

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

Do not have soundlessly breath,

Hasty dekko,

Meet be finally however;

Thick Sai Lian,

Development is medullary,

It is our loath to part from each other however.

Never not,

In an instant between already be apart skyline;

wrong footstep,

From now on later also cannot meet again.

To attain space, match life

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

At nightfall,

Pick up a Sai Lian to you,

Pass through freely stagger road network,

Those who expect to be able to pass you there.

The four seasons that be on the move,

Straight days,

The footstep that never stops,

In our life move back and forth is making a round trip,

Permeated the dribs and drabs in our life,

Lot gets together medicinal powder,

Genesis predestined relationship eventually, say not clear, line is endless.

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent

Take a piece of letter paper,

Write down not weak the Sai Lian that go,

In writing paper inkstone take along sth to sb is afferent in that she.

Black out gently,

The have not in darkness entires the eye that go up,

Tell me gently,

That can be crazy only crazy illusion,

Person of Yi of the other shore,

In water one party,

Do not belong to me however.

The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent...

Article Piao bright moon is small a · the Qin Dynasty

Picture Piao touchs river mouth

Nocturnal · bayou: The dim light of night wanes to the close, you already were absent
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