295 years ago today, baptize of free market economy, capitalist Si Mi of Adam of the person that lay

[on June 5, 1723] 295 years ago today, baptize of Si Mi of Adam of the person that free market economy, capitalist theory lays a foundation

295 years ago today, baptize of free market economy, capitalist Si Mi of Adam of the person that lay a foundation

[the posthumous child that does not have father]

1723, adam · Si Mi is born in Scotland, an exact unripe date is not clear. On June 5, adam · Si Mi accepts severe test, write down this day those who be him to give birthday accordingly.

Before Adam · Si Mi is born, father already died. The mother is the daughter of squire, he and mother live jointly, depend on each other. He is very filial to the mother, lifelong did not marry. He regards himself as lifetime spouse the book, he says: "It is good that I do not have place, place is good is a book only. Place is good is a book only..

295 years ago today, baptize of free market economy, capitalist Si Mi of Adam of the person that lay a foundation

(those who be located in the Adam · Si Mi of Edinburgh is statuary)

[defend · to rest greatly planning good friend]

He enters Gelasige 14 years old university, grind read moral philosophy. 17 years old, attend Oxford attend school. Once, he almost by school discharge, the reason is discovered in his room one defends · to rest greatly of desert " the theory of human nature-a fallacy put forward by the landlord class and the bourgeoisie " . Cease plan think: The person knows the world impossibly with rational method, between the thing nonexistent causal etc. At that time, be considered as crooked truth heretical ideas generally!

1748 (25 years old) , he begins to give lessons in Edinburgh university, it is to tell rhetorical He Chunwen to learn at first, but he begins to consider later " the development of fortune " . Before long, he knew David · rests plan, two people become close good friend.

295 years ago today, baptize of free market economy, capitalist Si Mi of Adam of the person that lay a foundation

[free and bold and unrestrained university is taught]

1751 (28 years old) , adam · Si Mi in Gelasige the university holds the position of logic and moral philosophy professor. He returns old-fashioned professor way, imprudent and enthusiastic and bold and unrestrained, the meeting when his chapel brings smile, when to the school the request attends class, absolve pray. The university becomes Gelasige later the metropolis of Scotland the Enlightenment, appeared the character with a batch of outstanding ability.

In Gelasige the university holds a post during, si Mi expresses the view with latitudinarian economy publicly, formed oneself economics point of view. 1759 (36 years old) , publish " moral sentiment is talked " obtain academia to be evaluated extremely high.

295 years ago today, baptize of free market economy, capitalist Si Mi of Adam of the person that lay a foundation

(" moral sentiment is talked " )

[of Feng Re most valuable treasure " the wealth of the nations " ]

1768 (45 years old) , he begins writing " the research of the property of national fortune and reason " , write 5 years, spent 3 years of retouch again. In March 1776 (53 years old) , publish formally. In the book, summed up the development experience of capitalism of latter-day each country, offerred the great economy theory such as division of labor, price, capital, rental, taxation, to whole countryman economy athletic process was made relatively systematic narration.

Adam. The economics that Simidi gives is academic, the system of free market economy that fosters from this, after was being affected world of hundreds of years, till today. He puts forward " invisible hand " , as Newtonian the law of gravity, drag in is worn whole world each person, the nerve of each country. Countless capitalist scholars give this book for most valuable treasure, and Adam of address sb respectfully. Si Mi is " the father of present-day economics " and " the Palladium of free enterprise " .

295 years ago today, baptize of free market economy, capitalist Si Mi of Adam of the person that lay a foundation

(" the research of the property of national fortune and reason " scriptural)

1902, yan Fu ever was translated for " former rich " give smooth mood emperor. 1931, translate afresh with Guo Dali by Wang Yana, incognito for " the wealth of the nations " . When China speaking of in the book, point out: "The reason with Chinese dejected economy, basically be medium and small businesses advocate the right cannot get safeguard, under the extort excessive taxes and levies that lives in the government official from beginning to end, such country, if can guarantee individual right, set a few treaty port more, the enterprise that can run is very much, latent capacity is boundless. Latent capacity is boundless..

295 years ago today, baptize of free market economy, capitalist Si Mi of Adam of the person that lay a foundation

(Yan Fu translates " former rich " cover)

[the reverse side of 20 pound]

1784 (61 years old) , be appointed to be Gelasige university president. However, mother of of the same age dies, state of body of Adam · Si Mi is exasperate, did not assume office tardy. Till 1787 (64 years old) , he takes office as Gelasige university honor president, also hold the position of Aberdonian custom and saline tax assistant director at the same time.

On July 17, 1790, die of Adam · Si Mi, die at the age of is 67 years old. His lifetime pursuit is perfect, be in mortal before, ten half-baked scriptural commit to the flames. 2007, his head portrait is imprinted in the reverse side of 20 pound.

295 years ago today, baptize of free market economy, capitalist Si Mi of Adam of the person that lay a foundation

(the 40th work that the article is battalion of writing of biography of character of · of every phenomenon history, battalion member " snow claw is silty " the 7th work)

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