Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of of the Song Dynasty, ever assist crosses fellow uncle w

Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of of the Song Dynasty, I give this act support, ever the warm article that assist crosses fellow uncle!

Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of    of the Song Dynasty, ever assist crosses fellow uncle warm article

Yang Hui phonates

Does Yang Hui of ex-wife of of the Song Dynasty send article: ? ? of bright of Min of billows of emperor of  core carbohydrate begins afresh. Last year in August, disturbance of Wang Baojiang divorce begins, ma Rong is pointed out of course the Song Dynasty, case of divorce of of Yang Hui the Song Dynasty also gets attention. Yang Hui is in now birthday during phonate, expressed one year this to experience too much, ever felt like be abandoned by the world. "This puts down the past to unlock this to begin afresh momently "

Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of    of the Song Dynasty, ever assist crosses fellow uncle warm article

Yang Hui of ex-wife of of the Song Dynasty

My go toing she is pulled below small gain! Discover Yang Hui her assist the warm article ~ of fellow uncle still is fresh really! Nevertheless the date of assist was on March 8, and phonate time was on March 10!

Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of    of the Song Dynasty, ever assist crosses fellow uncle warm article

Uncle of path of Yang Hui approve of

Fellow uncle is textual:

What you should change is better

Always do not look round those people that once had injured you

The way is very long still

Regular meeting happens after warm thing

Good evening

Look Yang Hui is an open-minded and outgoing woman! Bless Yang Hui to become better! Worth while study!

Incident of Wang Baojiang divorce encircles heat house not to fall high in recreation. of Yang Hui the Song Dynasty and Wang Baojiang divorce incident are concerned. Wang Baojiang releases a divorce to state in small gain, of the Song Dynasty puts Chengdu of horse of wife exposing to the sun and its agent in shocking bisexual relation. And of the Song Dynasty already also married, the wife is Yang Hui. In former days conjugal love illuminates of Yang Hui the Song Dynasty to also be turned over by the netizen, peking Man of Yang Hui of it is reported, also be Hua Yi an agent, appearance is beautiful, clear pure.

Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of    of the Song Dynasty, ever assist crosses fellow uncle warm article

Yang Hui of of the Song Dynasty

Yang Hui's father divulges divorce formalities is being dealt with in the center!

Ex-wife of of the Song Dynasty says to want to put down the past its father divulges the divorce still is being dealt with in. What? Don't still have successful divorce?

Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of    of the Song Dynasty, ever assist crosses fellow uncle warm article

Yang Hui divorces in dealing with

This efficiency is too slow also! Netizens do you feel?

On March 10 before dawn, the ex-wife Yang Hui of of the Song Dynasty is celebrated for oneself in the dispatch on small gain unripe. Turn one's head goes one year when this free and easy rises and fall, yang Hui feeling is quite deep, speak bluntly this is " sensory resembling is abandoned by the world same " a year. Yang Hui says to want " unlock oneself, begin afresh " , and its father also expresses in interview, the daughter is dealing with divorce formalities at present.

Morning dispatch expresses Yang Huiling, of of the Song Dynasty off the rails let her be after endless anguish with a series of incident later, realize the shadow ability that puts down the past only begins afresh slowly, she writes down on small gain: "I am sorry I love you to excuse a thank please you. . . . . . The meaning of the life is not looking at the past at answering. . . . . Put down the past, unlock oneself, begin afresh " if language, encourage oneself to begin new life. Encourage oneself to begin new life..

Media reporter contacts Yang Hui's father, when the plan of Yang Hui be askinged and case of divorce of of the Song Dynasty, yang Fu expresses, the divorce case of Yang Hui and of the Song Dynasty still is being dealt with at present in, yang Hui job is very busy, condition is very good also.

See netizens how say!

Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of    of the Song Dynasty, ever assist crosses fellow uncle warm article

Netizen manner

Before sound of coma of ex-wife poplar of    of the Song Dynasty, ever assist crosses fellow uncle warm article

Netizen manner

How do you see Yang Hui phonate this? Our comment sees!

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