Shakespeare dies 400 years Shakespeare of check of Shakespeare logion work is classical ana

Shakespeare dies 400 years Shakespeare of check of Shakespeare logion work is classical ana

[Shakespeare dies 400 years] Shakespeare is England the most crackajack dramatist on literary history, also be the west literary history go up one of the most prominent authors, one of writers with the most prominent whole world. Shakespeare dies 400 years, check of ana of Shakespeare logion work.

Williams · Shakespeare (English: William Shakespeare, on April 23, 1564 - constant address sb respectfully was; Chinese society on April 23, 1616 Sha old man, clear minor details civilian Lu Xun is in first < Maluoshili says > (in Feburary 1908) Weng Wei weighing Sha " narrow Si Pier " ) it is England the most crackajack dramatist on literary history, also be the west literary history go up one of the most prominent authors, one of writers with the most prominent whole world.

Shakespeare circulates the work that come down includes 37 154 Thespian, sestet, two senior officers epic. His translation that has all sorts of main languages dramatically, and play time exceeds far other the work of any dramatists. Shakespeare in dust article riverside Sitelatefu is born grown, dimension of a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument is breathed out to marry with the · that install Ni when 18 years old, two people bore 3 children in all: Graceful, twin Hamlet and Zhu Di think of susan. 16 centuries end arrives at the beginning of 17 centuries 20 old during the professional career that Shakespeare began to succeed in London, he is actor, dramatist not only, still be one of copartner of troupe of the chancellery inside palace, incognito later for kingly troupe. Controlled 1613, shakespeare is emeritus return dust article riverside Sitelatefu, die after 3 years.

Arrived 1590 the golden age of the creation that 1613 is Shakespeare. His inchoate play basically is comedy and historical drama, the peak of deepness and artistic quality was reached in 16 centuries evening. To 1608 next he basically writes tragedy, shakespeare advocates exalted sentiment, often depict sacrifice and avenge, include " Othello " , " Hamlet " , " king lear " and " Maikebai " , be thought to belong to English optimal example. Final phase is born in other, he begins to create tragicomedy, call legend play again. Romanticism period extols the talent of Shakespeare, victoria times respects him euqally like the hero, be called by Xiao Baina Shakespeare adores. His work till now as before wide welcome, mix with different culture and political form show in the whole world explanation.

Shakespeare dies 400 years Shakespeare of check of Shakespeare logion work is classical ana


"Unrestrained " (Fancy-free) -- " the dream of midsummer night "

"Uncomfortable " (Uncomfortable) -- " Romeo and Juliet "

"Manager " (Manager) -- " the dream of midsummer night "

"Deject " (Dishearten) -- " henry 5 worlds "

"Eventful autumn " (Eventful) -- " everyone is happy "

"Warm blood " (Hot-blooded) -- " king lear "

"Blusterous " (Rant) -- " Hamlet "

"Funny " (Laughable) -- " Venetian businessman "

"Negotiation; talks things over " (Negotiate) -- " make trouble out of nothing "

"Be tired of " (Jaded) -- " henry 6 worlds "

"Assassinate " (Assassination) -- " Maikebai "

"Bawdy; is wretched " (Obscene) -- " of love infructuous "

"Dazzling " (Bedazzled) -- " domesticate bold is written down "

"Hobby " (Addiction) -- " Othello "

"Cowardly; is timid " (Faint-hearted) -- " henry 6 worlds " the 2nd part

"Comical " (Zany) -- " of love infructuous "

"Grovel " (Grovel) -- " henry 4 worlds "

"Visional " (Unreal) -- " Maikebai "

"Blood-red " (Bloodstained) -- " Taitesai Anteluonikesi "

Shakespeare dies 400 years Shakespeare of check of Shakespeare logion work is classical ana

[phrase, fixed collocation]

"Hide; conceal " (Lie Low) -- " make trouble out of nothing "

"Fry a squid " (Send Packing) -- " henry 4 worlds "

"Break deadlock; silent " (Break The Ice) -- " domesticate bold is written down "

"Cannot help laughing " (In Stitches) -- " dozenth night "

"; of with one action at a draught " (One Fell Swoop) -- " Maikebai "

"Abrupt between " (All Of A Sudden) -- " domesticate bold is written down "

"A pair of tragic scene " (A Sorry Sight) -- " Maikebai "

"Look to go up in sacred portion " (For Goodness Sake) -- " henry 8 worlds "

"Hold one's breath in order to wait for " (With Bated Breath) -- " Venetian businessman "

"The favour overdoes to become bad thing instead " (Too Much Of A Good Thing) -- " everyone is happy "

"The heart like gold " (A Heart Of Gold) -- " henry 5 worlds "

"Vanish completely " (Vanish Into Thin Air) -- " Othello "

"Clean reputation " (Spotless Reputation) -- " manage examines 2 lives "

[habitual view]

"No matter produce what; to arrange its nature " (Come What, come May) -- " Maikebai "

"What is done cannot be undone " (What's Done Is Done) -- " Maikebai "

"Not important; has nothing to do with completely " (Neither Here Not There) -- " Othello "

"Have someone to lose a family fortune " (Eaten Out Of House And Home) -- " henry 4 worlds " the 2nd part

"Life is like a dream " (Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On) -- " rainstorm "

"Follow one's inclinations, handy " (The World's Mine Oyster) -- " tasteful women of Wen Sha "

"The idea that I have a disagreement to often manage " (There's Method In My Madness) -- " Hamlet "

"The green and junior days of a person " (Salad Days) -- " Anthony and Keliaopeitela "

No matter how the night is long, daytime always can come.

One individual consider carefully is too much, can lose the fun that be an upright person.

On the big clock of time, have two words only " now " .

Love everybody, trustful small number of people, do not lose one.

Proper distress can state emotive is deep-felt, exceeding is sad what can prove wisdom however is defective.

Humbleness and bad travel look in love not count, can be changed into perfect and majestic: Love need not the eye discerns, be judged however with the heart / what love uses is not an eye, however heart.

The world is an arena, all mem and women are a few actors nevertheless, when they have leave the playing field, also have when entering the court. There are several parts in the individual's lifetime.

Fine-looking cause bad heart more easily than bullion.

Love is a kind of insanity nevertheless.

Love is blind, lovers see the hooey that is less than his to do.

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