5 Normal Universities that China takes an examination of the hardest, take an examination of ahead o

The university entrance exam had gone half month, it is moment should receive concentrate on more serious things to prepare to sign up for ideal thing, result of ten years is in mug of cold after all window of now last went all out, the newspaper is volunteer this kind of thing is not more comfortable than attending the university entrance exam, it is to must have done the sufficient preparation of hundred to just can log onto the website with volunteer newspaper. Two days shift to an earlier date recently one batch is about to begin to send a telegram, as normal school kind major has approve this preferential right ahead of schedule, preparation enters oneself for an examination the students of normal school, can consult, and before 4 colleges are the qualification that has iron rice bowl-a secure job more - free normal school is unripe!

The first: Beijing Normal University

Beijing Normal University is the highest institution of higher learning of college of national normal school, a normal school that is national emphasis construction kind school. Abbreviation of university of Beijing Normal University " boreal division is old " , breed countless handsome appearances that make enormous contribution on educational enterprise, the accord that got country and society is affirmative. Division of boreal division college builds achievement to highlight, normal school kind major is comprehensive and complete, have everything that one expects to find, satisfy all sorts of professional requirement of the student.

5 Normal Universities that China takes an examination of the hardest, take an examination of ahead of schedule on avoid tuition, graduation is iron rice bowl-a secure job!

The 2nd: Hua Dong Normal University

Hua Dong Normal University is directly under of Ministry of Education, get of national Ministry of Education give aid to energetically help, hua Dong Normal University is located in center of countrywide economy, banking- - Shanghai, hua Dong Normal University has van of whole nation of body of ascend of major of a lot of normal school, e.g. Chinese character literature, history, psychological, application the major such as maths develops very good, obtain employment rate is very high. And China division serves as 985 schools, its admit a mark very tall, be admitted very hard or having 600 minutes of above hardly take an examination of a pretty good major!

5 Normal Universities that China takes an examination of the hardest, take an examination of ahead of schedule on avoid tuition, graduation is iron rice bowl-a secure job!

The 3rd: China in Normal University

China in normal school is located in beautiful landscape city- - Wuhan, china in the normal school rank in the whole nation is count as one of the best, have very pretty good public praise and very tall place, china in the characteristic that the major of a lot of ace of normal school is a country is professional, english, chemical major is the whole nation more famed. China in the obtain employment rate of the Normal University is very high, from China in the student that the Normal University graduates can find a very good job, be worth to trust!

5 Normal Universities that China takes an examination of the hardest, take an examination of ahead of schedule on avoid tuition, graduation is iron rice bowl-a secure job!

The 4th: Northeast Normal University

It is the northeast Normal University of directly under of Ministry of Education likewise, be located in Jilin Changchun, it is northeast area build the earliest the first omnibus university that so normal school major is main distinguishing feature. Achievement of education of northeast Normal University, scientific research is very outstanding, there is very tall place in relevant school, campus environment is neat and beautiful, whole gives a person comfortable and delighted sense. Obtain employment rate is very high also, anyhow is the school with an integrated very high opinion.

5 Normal Universities that China takes an examination of the hardest, take an examination of ahead of schedule on avoid tuition, graduation is iron rice bowl-a secure job!

The 5th: Nanjing Normal University

Nanjing Normal University is a very outstanding college, very strict also on the management to the student, entire school executes militarization management. And the education of the school, scientific research, with life hardware equipment very perfect advanced, dormitory environment of the student is very good also, these hardware conditions lay next solid foundations for the student's study and life!

5 Normal Universities that China takes an examination of the hardest, take an examination of ahead of schedule on avoid tuition, graduation is iron rice bowl-a secure job!

Pass above the introduction of 5 normal school schools, among them before 4 colleges still have a more apparent feature, it is they have free normal school to give birth to quota of people, be equal to if take an examination of,said to go up to go to school with respect to organic meeting avoid tuition, graduation tool bag allocates. Nevertheless the world does not have free lunch, the copper that gets free normal school gives birth to a qualification commonly must be met may be compared to go to out-of-the-way place raise namely by distributive place taught, more impoverished to the family nevertheless and the examinee that is happy to devote into educational enterprise again will tell, can have such acquisition " iron rice bowl-a secure job " the opportunity is again appropriate then did not pass!

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