The shooting star is patted through Xi Ala city

The shooting star is patted through Xi Ala city

[South-American live abroad signs up for net dispatch] Zhou San evening, in Xiala the city has a shooting star to pass a sky, be in by the aerospace center that monitor the JOAO PESSOA of the city and CAMPINA GRANDE city pat Palayiba. The shooting star passed the ICO city of Xi Ala city, city of distance JOAO PESSOA has 500 kilometers.

Image just is discovered on Zhou Sizao, the kinescope of before the technical personnel that monitors a center at that time is checked one evening discovered this one circumstance when the result.

Masailuo says chief of the center that monitor: "This is the shooting star enters aerosphere, can see be solid state, according to image estimation has 4 kilograms or so, the size of the light that give out and shooting star and speed are concerned. The size of the light that give out and shooting star and speed are concerned..

Masailuo says, popularity is in 23:08:5Enter aerosphere 3 minutes, speed is every second 17.66 kilometers, in city of Xi Ala state in the sky the position of 88.4 kilometers. Inside time of 8 seconds, it glided 117.1 kilometers, all the time lighten strong light, till distance ICO city in the sky the position of 28.1 kilometers. Speed is decreased later to every second 12.18 kilometers, reducing rate is every second 0.68 kilometers.

The graph is the photograph that the shooting star falls.

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